Sunday, June 26, 2016

Avoid That Speeding Ticket. Waze App Now Warns With Speed Limits

Waze Navigation App
What's the Speed Limit?

If you've ever asked yourself that question, let the new speed limit feature in the Waze app help you.

When driving in an area where the feature is working, you'll receive an alert letting you know the speed limit and your current speed.

Waze Speed Limit

You can change the speed over the limit that the app alerts you in the Waze settings.

The new feature started this spring but new areas have been added.


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Waze  #Android #iPhone #iOS #Google #Speed #Limit

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Secret Trick to Reach the Top of Your Larger iPhone

Do you have problems trying to to reach the top of your smartphone while holding it in just one hand?

It's a common problem with the newer larger screen iPhones like the 6 and 6S.

Fortunately, Apple has an elegant solution.

Here's how.

Lightly tap the Home button twice.

Tap to reach the top of the iPhone screen

The screen will scroll down so you can reach the top.

Tap Home twice again and the screen image will return to the top.


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#apple #iphone #reachability #accessibility 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

You Can Now Save Your Periscope Broadcasts Indefinitely

Periscope now lets you save your streaming broadcasts.

Previously, the only option was to let the broadcast automatically expire after 24 hours.

You can use the hashtag #Save in the title of your broadcast to ensure your broadcast does not expire after 24 hours.

Periscope still lets you delete your broadcast at any time even if it has been saved.

If you do not put #Save in the title of your broadcast, your broadcast will still expire in 24 hours. 


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Periscope #Twitter #video #Save

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Looking for a Job? Search for Network Connections Using Facebook

Are you searching for a job or need an introduction to someone at a company?

It's not just LinkedIn that can help you land that cool new job or sales order.

Let the power of Facebook's search help you.

Facebook's powerful semantic search engine can be used to search for more than just keywords.

You can search for information about "friends of your friends". 

Unlike LinkedIn, Facebook connections tend to be more personal friendships versus LinkedIn's business connections.  And that's key to your success.

You can use this to your advantage in a job search to find "friends of your friends" who work for a specific company.

Here's how to use Facebook to do this search. In the top search bar in Facebook, enter an entry such as "Friends of my friends who work at X" (where X is the name of the company")

Facebook semantic search friends of my friends who work at X company

Facebook will return a list of profiles of friends of your friends who work for that specific company.

Your friends can help you make those important introductions and connections.

Good luck!

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Facebook #job #search #network #networking #connections #business #career #linkedIn

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Let Google Help You Meet Your Goals

Do you have a goal but can't find time to get it done?

Do you want to read more books, get to the gym more often or learn a new language?

Google Calendar now can help you find and schedule time to get it done.

Setting up goals is easy to do.  Just set up a goal -- Go to the gym 3 times a week -- and Google Calendar will find an open time and schedule it for you.


To learn more, check out this helpful Google blog post.


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Google #calendar #goal

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Remove Apple QuickTime To Prevent Hacker Attack

United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team
US-CERT, the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team has issued a warning this week for Windows PC users to remove Apple's QuickTime software from their computers.

Apple has announced that it is ending support for the software.  While the software will continue to work, it is vulnerable to malicious exploitation by hackers.

Apple has detailed instructions HERE on how to remove QuickTime.

QuickTime was Apple's proprietary multimedia software and they aggressively promoted its use for years.  Often, it was a required download with other Apple software such as iTunes software.

So you may have it installed and not even know it.

It's a quick thing to do on my Windows machines.

Uninstall at your first opportunity.

Your PC will thank you.

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Apple #QuickTime #hacker #security #Windows #Microsoft

Edit: added additional information concerning QuickTime.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Kid Safe Searching with Kiddle Search Engine

The internet is a wild and often inappropriate place for children.

How do you search for seemingly innocent topics without returning unacceptable results?

There's a new tool that will help kids and parents to find suitable information and display it in a kid-friendly manner.

Check out the Kiddle search engine at

One Cool Tip -

Sites which appear in Kiddle search results are family friendly.  Sites are filtered to exclude sites with explicit or deceptive content by human editors and Google Safe Search. 

More information about Kiddle's safe search is available HERE

As an example, a search for "horse" returns easy to view and informative search results:

One Cool Tip -

If you have young children who need to search the net for information, check out Kiddle as your kid safe search engine.


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#safe #search #children #kiddle #safesearch 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Facebook Video Live Streaming Comes to Android

Facebook expanded its video livestreaming feature to more users by making it available to US Android users.

One Cool Tip -

Livestreaming allows users to start live video broadcasts from withing the Facebook mobile app.

The feature competes with Twitter's Periscope app.

Facebook Live already had been available to US iOS users.

In addition, Facebook expanded the iOS feature to more than 30 countries.

To use the new feature on the iOS or Android mobile app, be sure to have the latest version of the Facebook app.  Then tap the status update icon and then tap the Live Video icon.

Lights! Camera! Action!  You'll broadcast live to your Facebook connections.


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Facebook  #livevideo #live #video #livestreaming #streaming #Apple #iPhone #Android #app 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Facebook's New Live Video Streaming Takes on Periscope

One Cool Tip -
Facebook has released a new live streaming tool this week that competes with the popular live streaming app Periscope.

We've told you about Periscope---the popular app that lets users broadcast live from a smartphone.

Previously only available to celebrities and other verified prominent Facebook users, Live Video allows users to stream live video to their Facebook connections.

When finished, the video posts to your newsfeed.

The new feature is only available to users in the US using the iPhone Facebook app.  But other devices and locations will be soon available

One Cool Tip -

To use Live Video, tap on the Status Update and then tap the Live Video icon.  Write a description and choose your audience.  While broadcasting you'll see the number of live viewers, the names of your friends watching and real-time comments.

By offering this feature, Facebook brings video live streaming to a wider audience.  It'll be new to many users.  

Will we be soon watching live video from friends rather than just viewing selfies?

Is it something that you'll use?  

Check it out.

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Facebook  #livevideo #live #video #livestreaming #streaming #Apple #iPhone #app 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Facebook Launches Sports Stadium for Real Time Game Updates

One Cool Tip -
Facebook really wants you to stay connected with your friends, even during big sports games.

And to do so, it is introducing a new feature, Sports Stadium.

Sports Stadium provides real-time updates on games, posts from your friends, live scores and stats, and expert commentary.
One Cool Tip -
Sports Stadium is now available only on the Apple iPhone Facebook app but will be available for other platforms in the coming weeks.

The new feature starts with today's American football championship games.  It also will be available for the Super Bowl game.  Other sports such as basketball and soccer will be available in the future.

To access Sports Stadium, search for a team in a game and click the game link, for example, the "Patriots vs. Broncos".


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Facebook  #sportsstadium #sports #stadium #SuperBowl #Apple #iPhone #app