Showing posts with label Calculator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calculator. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2023

How to Use the New Date Calculator Feature in Windows 11

Windows 11 Calculator Icon

How many days until Christmas?

Or how many days until your wedding?

Or how many days until your vacation?

You could always pull out a printed calendar and start counting the days.

But here's a Cool Tip.

When you need to calculate the number of day until a specific day, Windows 11 has an app for that!

What?   You haven't seen it?

It's a hidden feature of the Calculator app.

Here's how to use it:

  • Search for Calculator using the Search function in the Windows bar.
  • Select the Open Navigation button (the three horizontal lines on the top left corner) and then select Date Calculation.

Windows 11 Date Calculator
Select the type of calculator
  • By default, Difference between dates is selected. 
    • You can use this mode to calculate how many days are between two dates. 
    • For example, you can find out how many days are left until your birthday or anniversary.
  • To calculate the difference between two dates, select a date under From and another date under To
    • The number of days between the two dates will be displayed at the bottom. 
Windows 11 Date Calculator
Select From and To Dates
  • To calculate a future or past date based on a given date and a number of days, months, or years, select Add or subtract days from Date Calculation mode. 
    • For example, you can find out what date it will be 100 days from now or what date it was 100 days ago.
Windows 11 Calculator Add or subtract days
Select Add or subtract days and
then enter the number of years, months or days
  • To calculate a future or past date, select a date under From and enter a number under Days to add/subtract. 
    • You can also enter a number under Months to add/subtract or Years to add/subtract if you want to use those units instead of days. The resulting date will be displayed under To.

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Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Calculator #Microsoft #Windows11 @Microsoft

Friday, May 26, 2017

iPhone Calculator Hack Your Never Knew!

The Apple iPhone has a hidden feature that's been hiding in plain sight for years.

iPhone Calculator
Do you know this secret hack?

To backspace as you are entering a number, just swipe left or right on the calculator's display line.

Doing so will wipe out the last number character you entered.

And for all this time we were clearing the entire number!

The iPhone still has secrets to give up.

Now don't we feel silly we didn't know this sooner?

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#iphone #calculator #apple #ios #app