Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Unlock the Power of Your Data: Master the Microsoft Excel Data Filter in Just a Few Easy Steps!

For many long-time Microsoft Excel users, new features have been added that they might not know about.  

Do you know how to use the Data Filter option so that you can filter your spreadsheet to only show the data that you want to view?

In the example below, we want to only view the Sales Agents from the NE Region.

Here's how to do it:

  • Select the data you want to filter.
  • Go to the "Data" tab in the ribbon.    The "Sort & Filter" section will be visible.

  • Select "Filter".

  • Click on the drop-down arrow in the header cell of the column you want to filter.  In this case, it's Column A named "Region".  We'll only select "NE" by selecting that option and de-selecting all others.

  • Choose the filter criteria and select "OK"  Now only rows where the Region has "NE" in the column cell will be visible in the list.

  • To remove the filter, go to "Sort & Filter" and select "Clear".

  • The list will return all data again.

That's it!  

You can also filter more than one column at a time to obtain the dataset you want to view.

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#Microsoft #Excel #data #filter

Monday, January 30, 2023

How Do You Undo an Undo in Windows?

Undo the Undo
How do you undo an 'Undo' when there's no 'Redo' available?

For example, you select text and type a paragraph.  

Then you Undo with Control + Z.  

But then you want that paragraph back?

How do you Undo your Undo?

If you've done this, don't panic!

Here's the Cool Tip:

All you have to do is press Control + Y!

That's It.  Enjoy!

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#Undo #Windows

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

Sunday, January 29, 2023

ICYMI: In Case You Missed It - Cool Tech Tips for the Week 1/29/23

ICYMI In Case You Missed It OneCoolTip

We had a great week of Coop Tips here at www.OneCoolTip.com.  

These tips included Cool Tips for using Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Apple iPhone and Google Assistant.

Check them all out!

And if you If you like OneCoolTip, please Like and Share!

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

Use This Cool Tip to Organize Your Windows, Documents and Applications While Working 

Do you have too many confusing windows, documents and applications open on your Windows PC?  

Here's a cool tip to help you better manage and organize your Windows screens.

 #Windows #desktop

Be the Microsoft Excel Hero with These Spacebar Secrets 

Do you know the power of the mighty spacebar when using Microsoft Excel?

The spacebar is a useful tool that can speed up selecting data in your spreadsheets.

#Microsoft #Excel #spacebar

And Now, A Change of Case in Microsoft Word 

What happens if you accidently type several paragraphs in all UPPERCASE in Microsoft Word?

Don't worry, there's a Cool Tip for that.

 #Microsoft #Word #text

How to Find Out if an Online Service is Down

Is the cloud service down?   

Learn how to find out!

 #DownDetector @systemdown

When You Need to Cleanse Your Eyes from the World Wide Web 

Have you just seen too much crazy and weird stuff this week on the World Wide Web?

Check out this Cool Tip to cleanse your weary eyes!

 #eyebleach #FridayFunday

How to Unlock Screen Rotation on an iPhone 

Find out how to fix an iPhone screen that won't rotate.

 #portrait #orientation #iPhone

How to Turn Off Slow WiFi Using Siri or Google Assistant 

Learn how to turn off WiFi hands free!

#WiFi #Siri #GoogleAssistant

How to Turn Off Slow WiFi Using Siri or Google Assistant

Did you just automatically connect to a slow WiFi?

This can happen when you're away from your home WiFi and your phone has automatically joined a WiFi that is slow.

You can manually disable WiFi to jump back to your Carrier's data connection by clicking the menus.

But you can also just tell Siri or Google Assistant to turn off your WiFi connection.

 “Hey Siri, turn off my WiFi” 

When you know you have a solid WiFi connection again, just tell Siri or Google Assistant to turn it back on.

"Hey Siri, turn on my Wifi"

That's it!  Enjoy.

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Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#WiFi #Siri #GoogleAssistant

Saturday, January 28, 2023

How to Unlock Screen Rotation on an iPhone

Portrait Orientation Lock
Sometimes when using an iPhone you'll need to rotate your phone to see a wider view of the content.

This is very useful when you are laying on your side and want to read on your phone or watch a video.

But what happens if the screen doesn't rotate?

It could be because the Portrait Orientation is locked.

To fix this, you'll need to turn it off.

Here's how to do it.

  • Swipe down from the top-right corner of your screen to open Control Center.
  • Tap the Portrait Orientation Lock button  to make sure that it's off.
iPhone Control Panel
  • Rotate your iPhone sideways.

If the screen doesn't rotate, try using a different application such as Google Chrome or the Safari browser. 

Conversely, there may be times when you DON'T want the screen to rotate.  Make sure the Portrait Orientation is LOCKED.


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#portrait #orientation #iPhone

Friday, January 27, 2023

When You Need to Cleanse Your Eyes from the World Wide Web

Cute Kitten

Have you just seen too much crazy and weird stuff this week on the World Wide Web?

And you just want to wash your eyes out with bleach? (don't do that!)

Then it's time to hurry on over to Eyebleach.me for Friday Fun Day!

Eyebleach.me offers a rotating selection of the cutest animals that will wash away even the most nastiest of mental images.

Select from Only Kittens, Only Cats, Only Dogs and Only Nature to cleanse your eyes and heal your soul!

Each cute photo will stay on the screen for a few moments before rotating to another photo.

So the next time you need to cleanse your eyes, be sure to check out Eyebleach.me!

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Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#eyebleach #FridayFunday #TechTips #OneCoolTip @OneCoolTip

Thursday, January 26, 2023

How to Find Out if an Online Service is Down

Is the cloud service down?  

System Down
Is it them or is it you? 

That is the real question in today's modern world.

With so much of our lives dependent on the online services we use every day, we often have to troubleshoot when we can't access services.

How do we survive when Google, Facebook, Instagram, Apple, or Microsoft can't be used?

Is it their service that is down?  Or is it your PC or phone?  Or the WiFi?  Or the broadband service?

Before you start rebooting or restarting an application, there are several places you can check first.

Here's how to do it.

  • First check out the amazing Downdetector service.  Downdetector is powered by user reports and online indicators for thousands of services in dozens of countries.  Make it your first stop.
Downdetector Microsoft 365
  • A Google News Search for <service name> outage can also let you know if there is a widespread service disruption.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

And Now, A Change of Case in Microsoft Word

What happens if you accidentally type several paragraphs in all UPPERCASE in Microsoft Word?


Don't worry, there's a Cool Tip for that.

Here's how to quickly change the case (upper vs. lower) of text in Microsoft Word.

  • Highlight the word, phrase, sentence or paragraph.
  • Press Shift + F3 (you may also have to press the Fn key on some keyboards)
  • Each time you press the keys, you'll cycle through three different text options:
    • all lowercase, 
    • First Letter Capitalized

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Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Microsoft #Word #text

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Be the Microsoft Excel Hero with These Spacebar Secrets

Microsoft Excel
Do you know the power of the mighty spacebar when using Microsoft Excel?

The spacebar is a useful tool that can speed up selecting data in your spreadsheets.

Here's how to do it:

  • Press and hold the Ctrl and Spacebar to select an entire column in a worksheet.
Microsoft Excel selected column
  • Press and hold the Shift and Spacebar to select an entire row in a worksheet.
Microsoft Excel selected row
  • Press and hold the Ctrl and Shift and Spacebar to select the entire worksheet.
  • If the worksheet contains data, press and hold Ctrl and Shift and Spacebar to select the current region. 
Microsoft Excel selected table
  • Press Ctrl and Shift and Spacebar a second time to select the current region and its summary rows. 
  • Press Ctrl and Shift and Spacebar a third time to select the entire worksheet.
  • When you select an object, pressing Ctrl and Shift and Spacebar selects all objects on a worksheet.
  • Press Alt and Spacebar to display the Control menu for the Excel window.

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Monday, January 23, 2023

Use This Cool Tip to Organize Your Windows, Documents and Applications While Working

Do you have too many confusing windows, documents and applications open on your Windows PC?  

Are you getting your personal documents confused with your work documents when you have them both open?

Here's a cool tip to help you better manage and organize your Windows screens.

--> Open one or more new virtual desktops.

The multiple desktops feature in Windows is a cool way to have multiple desktop screens to keep you organized.  Even if you only have one screen.

Each desktop can be specific to different types of PC activities, for example, work and personal.

Or you can create multiple desktops - one each for each specific project.

You can even quickly switch desktops before a meeting to reduce the clutter and avoid oversharing your desktop information.

Here's how to create multiple virtual desktops in Windows 10 and 11:

Windows 11

  • Select the Task View icon on the Taskbar
  • Select New desktop.

Microsoft Windows Task View with Highlights

  • Open the apps you want to use on that desktop.
  • You can also use the Windows key + Tab shortcut on your keyboard.
  • To switch to another desktop, select Task view again.

Windows 10

  • On the taskbar, select Task view > New desktop +.
  • Open the apps you want to use on that desktop.
  • To switch to another desktop, select Task view again.
  • You can also use the Windows key + Tab shortcut on your keyboard.
  • To switch to another desktop, select Task view again.

To Move or Share  a window from one desktop to another:

  • Select the Task View button
  • Hover over the virtual desktop with the app you want to move
  • Right-mouse click on the thumbnail of the app you want to move. 
  • Select Move to, and then select the virtual desktop where you want to move the app.


Sunday, January 22, 2023

ICYMI: In Case You Missed It - Cool Tech Tips for the Week 1/22/23

What a great week of Cool Tips here at OneCoolTip.com

Check out these cool tips this week:

How to Open a New Window View in Microsoft Excel 

Are your Microsoft Excel documents so large that you can't see what happens when you change data?

#Microsoft #Excel #NewWindow 

How to Use Alexa on a Windows PC

Do you need Alexa when you are away from your Alexa device?

#Microsoft #Alexa #Windows

Discover the Secret to Finding Where Any Movie or Show is Streaming Online 

With so many streaming sites now available, how can you find where your favorite movie or TV shows are available?  But how can you find which site has the movie or show you are looking to watch?


How to Transform Your TV into a Digital Art Gallery 

Are you missing great art from your house?  

Here's a Cool Tip for bringing beautiful digital artwork into your living room.

#art #digitalart

How to Build Digital Sand Art 

Remember making those multi-colored sand in the bottle crafts when you were young?

Relive the fun of your youth with this Friday Funday Cool Tip.


Use This Secret Windows Shortcut to Add Emojis to Your Documents and Messages 

Do you emoji?

If you use Windows 10 or 11, you'll like this Cool Tip to add emojis to your emails, word documents and other Windows applications.

#emoji #windows 

Annoyed by your partner's ringing and/or vibrating phone alarm?

Are they already up and getting ready but their phone alarm continues to ring?

And the phone is waaaay over on the other side of the bed?

There's a shockingly simple way to turn it off without having to touch the phone.

#phone #alarm 


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Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!


Shocking Cool Tip: How to Turn Off Someone's Phone Alarm!

Mobile Phone Alarm
Annoyed by your partner's ringing and/or vibrating phone alarm?

Are they already up and getting ready but their phone alarm continues to ring?

And the phone is waaaay over on the other side of the bed?

There's a shockingly simple way to turn it off without having to touch the phone.

--> Call the phone number!

The alarm will stop.

Of course, you'll want to make sure the person is awake. Maybe.

Enjoy your morning peace and quiet!

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#phone #alarm 

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Use This Secret Windows Shortcut to Add Emojis to Your Documents and Messages

Do you emoji?

If you use Windows 10 or 11, you'll like this Cool Tip to add emojis to your emails, word documents and other Windows applications.

Here's how to do it:

  • Windows key + . (period)
This brings up the Windows Emoji Keyboard.

You can select an emoji or even search for one from the extensive list.

Windows Emoji Keyboard


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#emoji #windows 

Friday, January 20, 2023

How to Build Digital Sand Art

Remember making those multi-colored sand in the bottle crafts when you were young?

Relive the fun of your youth with this Friday Funday Cool Tip:  https://thisissand.com/

ThisIsSand allows you to drop multi-colored sand piles to create amazing works of art.

ThisIsSand can be played in a laptop/desktop web browser (thisissand.com) OR with the Thisissand app on iOS (iPhone) or Android devices.

Get the mobile app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.



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