Monday, November 30, 2015

Coolest Tips - November 2015

One Cool Tip -
November has been a great month of Cool Tips.  

Top tips include the Chrome browser, God Mode in Windows 10, Microsoft Excel and Google search.

Don't forget, you can find One Cool Tip here at , on FacebookGoogle PlusTwitterFlipboardApple News, and Pinterest.

Cool Tech Tips for November 2015

1. How to Open a Link in a New Tab Window

Learn this quick cool tip to open a link in a new tab window in your browser.  This will keep your existing page in its own tab for continued use.

Do you have Windows 10?   If so, you need to use this cool tip to invoke God Mode.  God Mode gives you a powerful new settings windows to make Windows 10 the way you want it.

3. Let Excel Recommend the Best Chart

If you use Microsoft Excel, let Excel choose the best chart for your data.  Learn this cool tip to make the best charts that matches your data.

Are you hunting the customer service phone number for a company?  Google can help.  learn this cool tip to get that number fast!

Have you seen the ads in your Windows 10 Start menu?  Learn this cool tip to disable this feature.

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#browser #link #GodMode #Windows10 #Excel #Google #search #ads #Start

Sunday, November 29, 2015

ICYMI: Up-to-Date Anti-Virus, Google Star Wars, C-3PO Waze, Happy Thanksgiving, CBSN Live News and Dell's Security Flaws

One Cool Tip -
Another great week of cool tech tips at One Cool Tip this week.  Check out these cool tips.

Is Your Anti-Virus Software Up-to-Date?
Be prepared before it's a problem.  Learn how to keep your computer safe before it's too late.

Let C-3PO be Your Navigator
C-3PO can be your voice navigator in the Waze mobile navigation app.

Discover the Google Star Wars Easter Egg: A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away
May the Google be with you!  Choose the light side or the dark side of the Force and you'll get Star Wars themed Google applications such as Maps, Gmail and Google Calendar.  Learn how to set your themes as a Sith or a Jedi.

Happy Thanksgiving
Customize this Google turkey for a fun Thanksgiving activity.

CBS News Streams Live Video Online for Free
Learn how to watch CBS News online with live anchored news.

Dell's Terrible Horrible No Good Security Flaws
If you have a Dell computer, check out this cool tip to learn if your PC is affected by two major security flaws.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#StarWars #C-3PO #R2-D2 #Google #Waze #Thanksgiving #CBSN #News #video Dell #Computer #PC #Certificate #eDellRoot #DSDTestProvider

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Dell's Terrible Horrible No Good Security Flaws

One Cool Tip -
Dell Inc. has a major technical and PR crisis on its hands.  

Many Dell PCs have two applications installed that can be used by hackers to compromise the security of the PC.  

The two programs were used by Dell to assist in technical support of the PC.

The good news is that Dell has a solution for the problem.  Dell is  automatically pushing the fix out to the PCs using the "Dell Update" program that launches at startup.  You can check that you are up-to-date by clicking the Dell Update icon in the task bar near the clock 
One Cool Tip -

That's the easiest fix for the issue.  If your Dell Update hasn't been updated, right mouse-click on the Dell Update application icon and select "Check for Updates" while you are online.

If you are more adventurous, you can also download the patch directly from Dell or even use the manual instructions for removing the affected security certificates from your PC.  More information is available from Dell's support page:

You can learn more about the issue from these news sites:

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Dell #Computer #PC #Certificate #eDellRoot #DSDTestProvider

Friday, November 27, 2015

CBS News Streams Live Video Online for Free


Do you hate how some cable news sites don't offer a live stream of their news?

A latecomer to online news scene is upping the game with a new service.

Unlike its rivals, CBSN offers free live anchored news online at .

CBS news shows such as Face the Nation are also streamed

CBS Face the Nation

Besides the web, CBSN is available for iPhone and Android mobile devices and also other streaming devices such as Roku, XBox and Amazon FireTV.

Check out the online CBSNews video site.


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#CBS #CBSN #video #live

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Do you remember making a hand turkey in elementary school?

Relive your childhood with this cool interactive turkey from Google.

Click the link and then dress your turkey by clicking on feathers and body.

One Cool Tip -

The Google turkey was a Google Doodle from 2011 and remains a favorite Cool Tip.

We've explained Google Doodles before here on One Cool Tip.

For a Google search of Thanksgiving, click HERE.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Google #Thanksgiving #Turkey #HandTurkey #HappyThanksgiving

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Discover the Google Star Wars Easter Egg: A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away

One Cool Tip
Google has a cool Star Wars themed Easter Egg hidden in its search site.

Search for "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away"

You'll get the search results in a Star Wars scroll

One Cool Tip

Click on the text to go to that item.

This new treat is a part of the massive Google Star Wars theme available this week promoting the new upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie.

Users can choose to join the Light Side or the Dark side.

Each choice create corresponding themes in Google products such as Gmail, Google Calendar, Chrome, YouTube and Google Maps.

In addition, Waze users can select C-3PO as the navigation voice in the mobile Waze app.

May the Google be with You!


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Google #StarWars #ForceAwakens #Waze  #Android #iPhone #iOS #Google #StarWars #C-3PO #R2-D2

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Let C-3P0 Be Your Navigator

One Cool Tip has info on new C-3PO Waze
C-3PO, Human Cyborg Relations, can now be your voice navigator using Waze on your Android or iPhone..

C-3PO will tell you how to get to your destination at lightspeed faster than than the Millennium Falcon on a Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs.

It's all part of a new massive promotion of the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens film across multiple Google services,

Now you can set the voice as C-3PO.

Here's how to do it:
  • Open the Waze app 
  • Scroll down to settings (click the Waze icon in the bottom left corner, then settings icon)
  • Select Sound
  • Click to select Star Wars

One Cool Tip -

That's it!  May the Waze be with you!

For more information and links to download Waze, visit the Waze, Star Wars page HERE.

For more information on Google's Star Wars, click HERE.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Is Your Anti-Virus Software Up-to-Date?

Check anto-virus software is up to date - One Cool Tip -
Have you checked that your computer's anti-virus software is running and up-to-date?

Virus and malware can sneak into your PC at anytime.

Every website and email is a potential new threat.

Up-to-date anti-virus software will help keep the problems to a minimum.

But only if it is running and current.

Make it a regular habit to check each week.  

Usually, you can right mouse-click the software's icon in the task bar to check and update the definitions if they are not current.

Be prepared.  Don't wait until it's too late.

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Security #antivirus #virus #software

Sunday, November 22, 2015

ICYMI: Google Search for Customer Service Phone Numbers, "Find My Device" in Windows 10, Google App, Stopping Facebook Videos, Search !Bangs DuckDuckGo and Stopping Windows 10 Start Menu Ads

ICYMI: I Case You Missed It - One Cool Tip -
We've had another great week of cool tech tips here at One Cool Tip.

Cool tips this week feature tips for Google searches, new Windows 10 features, Google mobile app, Facebook videos and DuckDuckGo.

Check these cool tips for the week:

How to Find Customer Service Numbers Using Google Search

Learn how to use the power of Google to find the customer service numbers for major products and services.

"Find My Device" is New Feature of Windows 10 in November Update

The November 2015 update for Windows 10 brought a long-awaited feature, Find My Device.  Learn how to enable this valuable feature before you need it!

Google App Gets a Whole Lot Smarter

Google updated its mobile apps for Android and iPhone devices to answer more complex queries.  Learn how you can use these new search options.

How to Stop Facebook Videos from Automatically Playing to Save Data

Facebook could be wasting your mobile data.  Learn how to stop Facebook videos from automatically playing videos that drain your data.

Search Sites with DuckDuckGo !Bangs

DuckDuckGo is a terrific search engine.  One unique feature is the ability to search other sites directly such as Amazon using !Bangs.  Learn how to use this cool feature.

How to Stop Windows 10 Ads in the Start Menu

Windows 10 has a very annoying feature of "suggestions", ads, that appear in the Start Menu.  Learn how to stop these annoying ads with this cool tip.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Windows10 #Windows #FindMyDevice #Google app #Facebook #video #DuckDuckGo

Saturday, November 21, 2015

How to Stop Windows 10 Ads in the Start Menu

Learn how to use Windows 10 at One Cool Tip -
If you have Windows 10, you've probably seen the ads -- or as Microsoft calls them "suggestions" -- in the Start menu.

You didn't think your free Windows 10 upgrade was really free, did you?

There's an easy way to disable these annoying ads.

Here's how.

  • Go to Settings
  • Select Personalization
  • Select Start
  • Toggle the "Occasionally show suggestions in Start" option to "off"

How to stop ads in Windows 10 - One Cool Tip -

That's it!  No more ads or suggestions in the Start menu in your Windows 10.

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Windows10 #Microsoft #suggestions #ads #ad #settings #personalization