Sunday, January 8, 2023

Hide Memories from Your Facebook Feed

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Facebook is used by millions of people around the world.  

Users connect to friends to enjoy viewing and posting photos.  

For most people, this is a fun and rewarding experience.

But this can turn around quickly when Facebook shares past posts, called "memories" in your feed that you'd rather no longer see again.

Perhaps it's a photo from an ex-spouse or a dearly departed friend or relative.

You can tell Facebook not to show you these "memories" based on a specific person or on certain days.

Here's the Cool Tip to do it from the web:

Hide Person

  1. Go to
  2. Click Hide People under Settings.
  3. Click Start typing a name... and enter the names of the people you don't want to see memories with.
  4. Click Save.
Hiding memories of someone will hide any tagged photos or posts of that person in Memories.

Hide Certain Days
  1. Go to
  2. Click Hide Dates below Settings.
  3. Click Add New Date Range.
  4. Select a start and end date for the date or dates you don't want to see memories from.
  5. Click Save.


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