Wednesday, August 16, 2023

How to Remove Your Personal Information from Google Search Results

Google logo
Do you worry that your personal information is too easily accessible online? 

Have you found information is a Google search that you want removed?

In today's digital age, it's more important than ever to take steps to protect your privacy.

Here's a Cool Tip:  Request to remove your personal information from Google search results.

Google is the world's most popular search engine, and its search results can often be the first place people go to find information about you. 

By removing your personal information from Google search results, you can make it more difficult for people to find you online.

Here's how to remove personal information from Google search results: 

1. Find a page in search results that contains personally identifiable information
2. Tap the three-dot menu icon to bring up the “About this result” panel

Google Remove Results
fig. 1 - Google Remove Result

3. Click Remove result.
4. Google will take you to the removal request form 

Google Remove This Result
fig. 2 - Google Remove This Result

6. Select the reason why you would like to remove the search results.
7. Click the blue arrow to the right of your choice.
8. Follow the remaining steps and submit the request to Google 

You can only submit takedown requests for results pertaining to yourself or someone you officially represent. 

Google recommends that you contact websites hosting your information directly to request its removal from those sites. 

That's it.


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