Sunday, April 9, 2023

Explore the World from Your Browser with Google Earth!

Google Earth
Have you ever wanted to explore the world without leaving your home? 

Are you curious about what your hometown looks like from space?

Here's a Cool Tip: check out Google Earth on the Web.

Besides the Google Earth app (iPhone, AndroidPro-PC, Mac, Linux), Google Earth on the Web gives users easy access to most of the popular Google Earth features.

Here's how to use Google Earth on the Web:

  • Go to
  • Click and drag the globe to spin it. Hold Shift at the same time to tilt.
  • Click Ctrl key to go to first-person perspective.
  • Scroll your mouse wheel to zoom in and out (alternatively, use the plus and minus icons in the bottom-right.)
  • As you get closer to the Earth, you’ll see the names of countries appear.
Google Earth on the Web
Google Earth on the Web

Google Earth Voyager

Google Earth’s Voyager is a showcase of interactive guided tours, quizzes, and layers that aim to help educate everyone about the world, locations near and far. 

Here’s how to use it:

  • Open Voyager on Google Earth.
  • Try selecting great Treks like El Capitan at Yosemite, or Tokyo's Heat Island Effect or Changing Forests or Fragile Beauty. 

Google Earth Web Voyager
Google Earth Web Voyager

  • View 3-D high-res images of the world’s most toured places, such as the Eiffel Tower in France or the Parthenon in Greece or the Gateway Arch in St. Louis Missouri. 
Google Earth Web Explore the World 3D
Explore the Word in 3D

  • Use navigation shortcuts to explore Google Earth even faster.

            Navigating Google Earth on the Web:

Google Earth Navigation
Source: Google


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