Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Friday, September 15, 2023

How to Create Custom Emojis

Do you love emojis? 

Want to take your emoji game to the next level? 

Here's a Cool Tip: Check out Google's Emoji Kitchen feature. 

With Emoji Kitchen, you can create custom emoji stickers by combining two emojis.

You could create a dancing pizza emoji, a crying robot emoji, or even a cat emoji riding a unicorn emoji. 

Here's how to do it.
  • Go to and search for "Emoji Kitchen.
  • Select Get Cooking button.
  • Click on the two emojis that you want to combine.
  • Emoji Kitchen generates a custom emoji sticker.
  • Once you've found an emoji that you like, click on it to copy it to your clipboard. 
  • You can then paste the emoji into any messaging app or social media platform.

Google Emoji Kitchen
fig. 1 - Google's Emoji Kitchen

Emoji Kitchen is a fun and creative way to express yourself. 

With so many different combinations to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect emoji to express your thoughts and feelings.

Start cooking up your own custom emoji today!


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Saturday, August 26, 2023

How to Rearrange Apps in Google's Navigation Menu

Do you use Google services like, search, gmail, photos and calendar on the web?

Do you want to access them quickly and easily? 

Here's a Cool Tip:  Rearrange the Google apps in the Navigation Menu.

You can rearrange apps in Google's navigation menu in a few simple steps to place the apps you use the most at the top of the list. 

Rearrange Google Navigation Menu

fig. 1 - Rearrange Google Navigation Menu

Here's how:
  1. Sign into
  2. Click the launcher icon in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click on any of the programs listed.
  4. Drag and drop them within the menu. 

By following these simple steps, you can create a personalized menu that makes it easy to access the apps you use the most.

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Friday, August 25, 2023

How to Bring Back the Classic DVD Screensaver with Google Search

Do you remember the classic DVD screensaver? 

The one with the bouncing logo that would never quite hit the corner of the screen? 

Here's a Friday Funday Cool Tip:  

Google has hidden a little easter egg that brings that screensaver back to life.

Here's how to do it.

  • Go to
  • Search for DVD screensaver on Google. 
  • After a few seconds, the Google logo will pop out of the top left corner of the screen and start bouncing around. 
  • It will change colors each time it hits a corner.

DVD Screensaver
fig. 1 - Google DVD Screensaver

The easter egg works on all desktop browsers, but it doesn't work on mobile devices.

The Google Search DVD Screensaver easter egg is a fun way to bring back a little nostalgia. 

It's also a great way to show off your Google skills to your friends and family.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

How to Remove Your Personal Information from Google Search Results

Google logo
Do you worry that your personal information is too easily accessible online? 

Have you found information is a Google search that you want removed?

In today's digital age, it's more important than ever to take steps to protect your privacy.

Here's a Cool Tip:  Request to remove your personal information from Google search results.

Google is the world's most popular search engine, and its search results can often be the first place people go to find information about you. 

By removing your personal information from Google search results, you can make it more difficult for people to find you online.

Here's how to remove personal information from Google search results: 

1. Find a page in search results that contains personally identifiable information
2. Tap the three-dot menu icon to bring up the “About this result” panel

Google Remove Results
fig. 1 - Google Remove Result

3. Click Remove result.
4. Google will take you to the removal request form 

Google Remove This Result
fig. 2 - Google Remove This Result

6. Select the reason why you would like to remove the search results.
7. Click the blue arrow to the right of your choice.
8. Follow the remaining steps and submit the request to Google 

You can only submit takedown requests for results pertaining to yourself or someone you officially represent. 

Google recommends that you contact websites hosting your information directly to request its removal from those sites. 

That's it.


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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

How to Use Google Chrome to Search Multiple Search Engines

Google Chrome
Do you ever find yourself switching between different search engines to find the information you need? 

If so, you're not alone. 

Many people use multiple search engines for different purposes. 

For example, you might use Google or Yahoo for general searches, and DuckDuckGo for privacy-focused searches.

Here's a Cool Tip: Use the Google Chrome Omnibox to search multiple search engines.

The Omnibox, the address bar, is more than just a search bar. 

It's a powerful tool that can help you save time and be more productive.

Here's how to do it.

  • Use the Omnibox to search multiple search engines
    • Type the URL for the search engine in the address bar.
      • For example,  (or other search engine).
    • Press the Tab key.
    • Enter your search query.
    • Press Enter.
    • Google will display search results from that search engine.

Search Search Engines in Google Chrome
fig. 1 - Search Search Engines in Google Chrome

The Google Chrome Omnibox is a powerful tool that can help you save time and be more productive. 


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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

How to Grammar Check Your Google Search Queries

Do you ever worry about making grammar mistakes in your online writing? 

If so, you're not alone. 

Millions of people make grammar mistakes every day, and it can be embarrassing to have your mistakes pointed out by others.

But what happens if you make a grammar mistake when searching Google?

Here's a Cool Tip:  Use the new Google Search Grammar Check.

Google Search has recently added a new feature that allows you to grammar check your search queries.

Here's how to do it.  

Just type your search query into Google and then add "Grammar Check" (without the quotes) at the end.

Let's say you want to search for "the affect of the law."

Google Search Grammar Check
fig. 1 - Google Search Grammar Check

Google will correctly respond to ask if you mean "The effect of the law".

That's because "affect" is a verb and "effect" is a noun.

Click the blue suggestion and Google will perform the search again with the correct grammar.


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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

How to Do Google Math

Need to do a quick calculation?

Here's a Cool Tip:  Use Google

That's right.

The Google search site can also perform calculations.

Here's how to do it:

  • Go to Google
  • Enter a calculation, for example, 5 times 275
  • Google will provide the answer
  • And as a bonus will display an interactive calculator so you can do more math!

Google Calculator
fig. 1 - Google Calculator

You can also use operators such as * (multiply), + (plus), - (minus) and / (divide) in your entry.

That's it.


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Thursday, July 27, 2023

How to Delete the Last 15 Minutes of Your Google Search History on Mobile

Google App
Ever done a Google search that you immediately regretted? 

Maybe you were looking up something embarrassing, or maybe you just didn't want your search history to be saved. 

If so, you're in luck. 

Google recently added a new feature that allows you to delete the last 15 minutes of your search history from the mobile Google app.

Here's how to do it.

  • Open the Google app on your phone.
  • Tap on your profile picture in the top right corner.
  • Tap "Delete last 15 minutes."
  • A confirmation message will appear. Tap "Delete" to confirm.
Google App Delete 15 Minutes
fig. 1 - Google App - Delete Last 15 Minutes

Deleting the last 15 minutes of your search history can help you protect your privacy and security. 

It can also help you avoid embarrassing situations, such as if someone else were to see your search history.

Deleting the last 15 minutes of your search history is a quick and easy way to protect your privacy and security. 

If you're concerned about someone else seeing your search history, or if you just want to keep your search history private, this is a great option.

Don't have the Google app for your Android or iPhone?  Get them here:  AndroidiPhone. iPad


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Friday, July 21, 2023

Google Has a New Easter Egg for the Barbie Movie—and It's Pink!

Are you a fan of the upcoming Barbie movie?
Is PINK your favorite color?
If so, you'll love this new Google Search easter egg.
Just search for Barbie (the Star), Margot Robbie (the actress), or Greta Gerwig (the director), and your entire Google results page will turn pink!
Here's how to do it:
  • Open Google Search.
  • Type Barbie or Margot Robbie or Greta Gerwig into the search bar.
  • Press Enter.
When you do this, you'll see animated starbursts appear on your screen.

Barbie Google Search
fig. 1 - Barbie Google Search

The background of your Google results page will also turn a subtle shade of pink.

This is a fun and festive easter egg that celebrates the upcoming Barbie movie.

So if you're a fan of Barbie, be sure to check it out!


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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

How to Set It Up and Use Google Chrome Enhanced Protection

Google Chrome
Are you concerned about your online security?

Are you tired of being bombarded with phishing emails and malicious websites?

Do you want to protect your computer from malware and other online threats?

If so, here's a Cool Tip: Google Chrome Enhanced Protection feature.

Enhanced Protection is the strongest level of Safe Browsing protection that Google Chrome offers.

It enables more advanced detection techniques that adapt quickly as malicious activity evolves.

This enhanced protection also protects users who use Google's email service, Gmail.

How to Set Up Google Chrome Enhanced Protection

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the browser window.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Scroll down to the Privacy and Security section.
  5. Select Security.
  6. Under Safe Browsing select Enhanced protection.

Google Chrome Enhanced Protection
fig. 1 - Google Chrome Enhanced Protection

Cool Tip: You can go to the setting here:

Once you have set up Google Chrome Enhanced Protection, it will automatically protect you from visiting malicious websites and downloading dangerous files.
However, there are a few things you can do to further enhance your security:
  • Be careful about what links you click on. If you are not sure whether a link is safe, don't click on it.
  • Keep your software up to date. Software updates often include security patches that can help protect your computer from malware.
  • Use a strong password manager. A password manager can help you create and store strong passwords for all of your online accounts.

Google Chrome Enhanced Protection is a valuable tool that can help protect you from online threats.


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Wednesday, July 12, 2023

How to Use Google to Understand What's Trending

Google Trends
Are you curious about what people are searching for on Google? 

Do you want to know what's trending in your industry or niche? 

Here's a Cool Tip:  Google Trends. 

Google Trends shows you how frequently a given search term is entered into Google's search engine relative to the site's total search volume over a given period of time. 

Google Trends iPhone
fig. 1 - Google Trends for iPhone

This data can be used to track trends, identify emerging topics, and research new markets.

How to Use Google Trends:

  • Enter a search term into the search bar. 
  • Use filters to narrow down your results by region, time period, and other factors.
  • Once you've entered a search term, Google Trends will show you a graph of its search popularity over time. 
  • You can also see related search terms, as well as news articles and blog posts about the topic.

Here are some specific ways to use Google Trends:

  • Track trends: Google Trends can be used to track trends in a variety of industries and topics. For example, you could use Google Trends to track the popularity of new products, the latest news stories, or even the weather.
  • Identify emerging topics: Google Trends can also be used to identify emerging topics. This can be helpful for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve or for researchers who want to identify new trends.
  • Research new markets: Google Trends can also be used to research new markets. For example, you could use Google Trends to see how people in different countries are searching for products or services.

Google Trends is a powerful tool that can be used to understand what's trending. 

If you're interested in tracking trends, identifying emerging topics, or researching new markets, then Google Trends is a great tool for you.


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Thursday, June 29, 2023

How to Use Google's New Filter to See Different Perspectives on Any Topic

Are you tired of seeing the same old perspectives on the news? 

Do you want to learn more about different viewpoints on a topic? 

Here's a Cool Tip: Google's new Perspectives filter.

The Perspectives filter is a new feature that allows you to see a variety of perspectives on any topic. 

When you use the filter, Google will show you a mix of long and short-form videos, images, and written posts from a variety of sources, including discussion boards, Q&A sites, and social media.

This means that you can get a more well-rounded view of a topic by seeing what people from different backgrounds and with different experiences have to say.

Google Search Results with Perspectives Filter
fig.1 - Google Search Results for Culver's with Perspectives Filter

Here's how to use the new Perspectives filter:
  • Go to Google  on the web or use the mobile Google app for iPhone or Android.
  • Search for a topic.
  • Click on the Perspectives filter.
  • For the mobile apple, swipe the filters until you see Perspectives.
  • Scroll through the results and see what different people have to say.
Here are some additional tips for using the Perspectives filter:
  • This feature is slowly rolling out to users.  Try checking if you can see the Perspectives filter on the web or mobile app version.
  • Pay attention to the sources of the content. This will help you to understand the different perspectives that are being represented.
  • Don't be afraid to click on the links to the original content. This will give you the opportunity to learn more about the different perspectives.
  • Use the filter to find new and interesting topics. You might be surprised at what you find.
An interesting note is that many users would add Reddit to the end of their Google search input in order to filter results to include comments from the popular site.

However, this no longer works well since Reddit's recent policy changes on APIs and moderation has resulted in many popular subreddits going dark or unusable.

So try this new Google feature on your next Google search!

That's it.


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Source: Google Blog

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Sunday, June 25, 2023

How to Search Google with Right Click

Do you ever find yourself wanting to search Google for a word or phrase that you see on a web page, but you don't want to open a new tab or window? 

If so, here's a Cool Tip:  Right Click.

You can use the right click menu to search Google using Google Chrome for the selected text.

Here's how to do it:
  • Open the Google Chrome browser.
  • Open the web page that contains the word or phrase that you want to search for.
  • Right click using the mouse on a word or phrase.
  • Select "Search Google for 'word or phrase'" from the right click menu.
Search Google with Right Click
fig. 1 - Search Google with Right Click
  • Google will open a new tab or window with the search results for the selected text.

That's it.


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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Stop and Check This Cool Tip Before You Order Photos at Walgreens

Do you like to get printed photos from your local Walgreens?

Do you like to save money?

Then you'll love this Cool Tip.

Before you finalize your Walgreens photo order on, check if there's an online coupon code available.

You may be able to save up to 70% off the price.

Here's how to do it.

  • Go to
  • Search for (minus the quotes): "Walgreens photo coupon"
Google Search Results Walgreens Photo Coupon
fig. 1 - Google Search Results for Walgreens Photo Coupon Codes
  • Check the search results
  • Walgreens often appears first with a list of current deals
Walgreens Deals
fig. 2 - Walgreen Deals page

  • Check other search results for a code as well.
  • For example other sites show that a current June 2023 coupon code is ALLGRAD50.
  • These codes change throughout the year.  
  • And yes, sometimes they don't work.  
  • Just try another until you find one that does.

This Cool Tip also works for other sites. 

Whenever you see at COUPON CODE box at the online checkout, do a quick Google search to see of there's one that is available.

That's it.


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