Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

How to Stop Facebook From Showing Bad Memories

Facebook has a new feature, On This Day, that shows users' posts from a year or before that can be re-shared on the timeline.

Remembering weddings, births, graduations and vacations is great.

But what about divorces, deaths and horrific traffic accidents?

Who wants to remember those events?

Fortunately, Facebook has a preference page to allow users to filter friends and dates from showing up in On This Day.

Here's how to set your preferences:

1. Go to
2. Click the "Preference" icon in the top right.
3. Click "Edit" on either one of the filters, People or Dates to create filters to prevent memories from being shown.
4.  When finished, click "Done"

Facebook On This Day Preferences

And that's it.  Memories from the friends you've added to the People filter or dates you've added to the Dates filter will not be shown in On This Day.

While you are on the On This Day page, you can also set Notifications to either "All Memories" or "Off".


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Facebook #OnThisDay #Memories #preferences #filter

Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to Download Your Facebook Data

Maybe you didn't save all of those photos and videos you've been uploading to Facebook over the years.   Or you are thinking about cleaning out your Facebook content or even closing your account.

Whatever the reason, Facebook makes it easy to download an archive of your Facebook data.

Here is how to do it.

1. Click the triangle icon in the upper right-hand corner of any Facebook Page.
2. Select "Settings"
3. Click "Download a copy of your Facebook data"
4. Click "Start My Archive"

facebook download your data

You'll be notified when your archive is ready to download.


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Facebook #archive #download #photos #videos #backup

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Protect Your Privacy by Remotely Logging Out of Facebook

Don't Let Others Access Your Facebook Account Because You Forgot to Log Out.

It can happen from time to time.  You forget to log out of Facebook at a computer.  Maybe it's work.  Or home.  Or at a friend's house.

You can solve this problem by logging out of Facebook on another computer, phone or tablet.

Here's how to do it from a PC:

- On the Facebook homepage, click the top right-hand drop down arrow.
- Click Settings
- Click Security in the left-hand column.
- Click Where You're Logged In
- Review open sessions.
- Select the one you want to end and click End Activity

That's it.  problem solved.

You an also log out from mobile devices like an iPhone or Android tablet using the Facebook mobile app.

- Select the More icon, usually in the lower right-hand corner.
- Select Settings.  Scroll down if necessary.
- Select Account Settings
- Select Security
- Select Active Sessions
- Review your open sessions.
- Select the one you want to end and click the X button

And that's how you do it.

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#facebook #security #logout #remote #privacy

Monday, September 21, 2015

Beware of Duplicate Facebook Friend Requests

Spammers and scammers will look for every opportunity to cause mayhem online.

A new approach is to impersonate one of your Facebook friends and request a second, friend connection.

So, be wary of a duplicate friend request on Facebook.

How do they do this?  And why?

Both are easily answered.

A scammer will create a duplicate email account and pose as one of your friends.  To make it more believable, they will copy the current profile picture of your friend.  And then send you a friend request.

If you are not paying attention, you might accept this request.

And then it begins.

It might be a shady link to a spam site that is shared on your timeline.  Maybe the link goes to a compromised website that silently drops malware or a virus onto your computer.

Or you'll get a Facebook Messenger Instant Message stating that your friend is out of the country and needs emergency cash wired immediately to fix a car, post bail or get a flight to come home.

And while they are your friend on Facebook, they can capture the names and accounts of your actual friends and start the process over looking to scam your friends too.

So what can you do to stop this?

  • Check Before You Accept - Before you click to accept a friend request, double check that it's really who you think it is.  Review your own Facebook connections to see if this new request is a duplicate.  Posting a note on your real friend's timeline will help alert them to this problem too.
  • Always be Wary - Before you click any link posted to your wall, take a moment to check it out.  Is it a reputable site?  If not, don't click.
  • Poor Grammar and Typos - If you get an IM from a friend that seems to be unusual or poorly written, it might be a scammer who has wrested control of the account from the real owner.  Check it out by email or a real audio call to be sure.  Especially before you send money.
  • Report it - Let Facebook know if there is an impostor account.  CLICK HERE for instructions from Facebook on how to report a fake account.


One Cool Tip .com
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#facebook #friend #request #fake #impostor

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

You Don't Have to Tell the World on Facebook

Facebook logo
Did you just break up?  Or finalize a divorce?

You don't have to tell all of your friends on Facebook that it has happened.  You can make the change on Facebook but do so in a way that Facebook doesn't automatically send out a status update that your relationship has changed.

Here's how.

Go to your profile and then click on About and then Family and Relationships (on the left side).

Under Relationship, you'll see the current setting, Friends or even Public.  Change this setting to Only Me.

Facebook relationship about

Now you can make your relationship status change.  That's because only you will see the change.

At some time in the future, come back to the Relationship and change your setting back to Friends.

No one will be the wiser.


One Cool
Cool Tips for a Cooler Life!

#facebook #status #relationship #privacy

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Prioritize Your Facebook News Feed

Why don't I see posts from my favorite friends in my Facebook News Feed?

Because the Facebook computer doesn't really know how to prioritize your News Feeds to show you posts you want to see.  

For years, a formula was developed and tweaked that assumed that you'd want to see posts from friends based upon actions such as commenting and liking each other's posts.

But that arbitrary assumption meant that we missed important updates from people we really wanted to stay up-to-date with.

Fortunately, Facebook has made an important change this month to fix this problem. 

You can know prioritize friends to see their posts First in your News Feed.  It is also easier to unfollow friends.

There are two ways to prioritize your Facebook friends to see their posts first:

1.  Profile - Go to the friend's profile and click the "Following" dropdown in the top profile header.

Facebook Following Options

By default, all friends are set to Default and you'll see posts as usual.  But to prioritize, you can select "See First" to see this friend's posts at the top of your News Feed.

You can also choose to "Unfollow" a friend.  You'll still be connected but you won't see posts.

2.  News Feed Preference - This is currently available for iPhone Facebook but will roll out soon to Android and Facebook users.  From the menu, select "News Feed Preferences".

Facebook News Feed PreferencesFacebook Prioritize Who to See First

You can then select to prioritize friends to see their posts first, Unfollow friends to hide their posts, and Reconnect with friends you unfollowed.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How to Delete Your Facebook Search History

Did you know that Facebook saves all of your site activity?

Did you know that all of your Facebook searches are saved too?

Have you searched out ex-boyfriends?  Ex-girlfriends?

Do you want to make these past search queries go away?

You can with a few simple steps.  Just follow these instructions below:

  1. Click on the settings cog in the top-right corned.  Choose the "Activity Log" option from the dropdown list.
  2. All of your recent Facebook activity will be displayed.  On the left-hand menu, select "More" under "Photos, Likes and Comments".  Then choose "Search"
  3. Your complete search history will be displayed.  You can delete individual searches by clicking the "block" icon (the circle with a line through it) and then "Remove".  To remove all searches, click the "Clear Searches" link at the top.

That's it.  Facebook can't use your past searches for marketing to you.



One Cool
Cool Tips for a Cooler Life!

#facebook #search #history

Sunday, June 28, 2015

ICYMI: Cloud Storage, Mobile Photo Editor, NASA Images, Blocking Calls, "Unsend" from Gmail, Group Chat

ICYMI - In Case You Missed It
Did you catch all of the cool tips this week?

We covered a wide range of cool topics including the best cloud storage, the best photo editor for your smart phone, a new NASA image gallery, how to block annoying calls to your mobile phone, Gmail's new "Undo" feature and finally the best group chat app that works across difference devices and platforms.

In Case You Missed It:

Learn how you can store documents so you can access them from multiple devices with Dropbox and cloud storage.

Learn how Google's Snapseed app is the best mobile photo editor.

Visit and search the new NASA image gallery with over 138,000 photos from 70 collections.

Learn how you can block annoying calls to your mobile phone.

Learn how you can enable Gmail's new "Unsend" option to unsend an email.

Discover which group chat app is the best service to use to connect your friends and family.

Finally, One Cool Tip is now on Facebook.  Check it out at
be sure to like and share the page with your Facebook friends!


One Cool
Cool Tips for a Cooler Life!

#callblocking #cloud #dropbox #facebook #gmail #ICYMI #messenger #NASA #Snapseed #unsend

Saturday, June 27, 2015

One Chat App to Rule Them All

Facebook Messenger Icon
Are all of your family and friends on the same group chat application?

The answer is probably no.

Even before AOL's Instant Messenger service, chat applications have been fragmented with various services and device reluctant to communicate with one another gather a large enough userbase to be useful.

Perhaps today's worse offender is Apple's iOS iMessage app which works with other Apple devices and thus all other mobile devices only via cellular text messaging.  That leaves Android phones and tablets out of the conversation.

So what's the answer?

Facebook Messenger app screenshot
There are a number of apps trying to solve this problem.  Snapchat, WhatsApp, GroupMe, Skype, and Google Hangouts are just a few of the apps trying to be "the next big thing" in group chat.

But Facebook Messenger is the clear winner.  At least for now.

It has a large built-in user base, great features and can be accessed from multiple platforms:
Some of the key features include:
  • Make audio and video calls to other Messenger users
  • Know when people see your text
  • Make High Def phone calls to other users worldwide
  • Snap photos and shoot video
  • Record voice messages
  • Chat with your favorite groups of other users
Facebook announced this week that Messenger will no longer require a Facebook account to use.
That helps adoption by users who may not want to have a Facebook account.

Group chat is a rapidly growing market for the mobile world.  Facebook has with a winning chat strategy for both mobile and desktop users.


#chat #facebook #messenger #Android #iPhone #Windowsphone

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Visit One Cool on Facebook

One Cool Facebook Page

One Cool is now on Facebook.

Be sure to "Like" the page and get your cool tips from within Facebook.

All of your favorite tips on Google, iPhone, Android, Microsoft, mobile apps and more are available from the new Facebook site.

Be sure to share your favorite One Cool Tips with your Facebook friends!

Of course, the main website will still be available at

One Cool
Daily Tips for a Cooler Life!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Sparkly End of Facebook?

Facebook has made a change this week.  And not for the better.

It is now allowing animated gifs to be added to status updates.

The world is ending as we know it.

MySpace, the forerunner to Facebook, came to its bitter end due in part to the proliferation of animated gifs and autostart music that were used to decorate profile page.

Especially the animated Tinkerbells.

No offense Tink, but you are the messenger of social media death,

Facebook built its audience on a clean, simple interface and fast performance.

Maybe the world is ready for Sparkly Tink to show her stuff again.

But the OneCoolTip of the day is to be wary of this dark angel of social media death,

If you are interested in living on the wild side, you can add an animated gif by pasting in the URL.  Uploaded gifs are not currently supported.  The gif must be on an external website.  have fun!

The feature is still rolling out to users.  So you may not yet be able to add an animated gif to your timeline.  Also, animated gifs work on the web version of Facebook but not yet the mobile app.


One Cool
Daily Tips for a Cooler Life!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Playing it Safe on Facebook

With so many people on facebook, hackers and spammers are having a field day spreading their mischief among the world's largest social networking site.

Most often users may see that a friend's account is posting unusual messages.

Don't click that link!  Or your account may suffer the same fate.

But if this happens, here is what facebook says you should do:

 If your account has been taken over and used to send spam, you should follow these steps immediately:
  • If you can’t reset your password because the email address you use to log in has changed, or if your account has been disabled, visit our help page.
  • Make sure you have up-to-date security software on your computer, run a scan, and remove any malicious files. If you don’t do this, and your computer is infected, your account may be taken over again. If you don’t yet have protection for your computer, you can download a complimentary six-month subscription of McAfee security software. Learn more on the Software tab.

If a friend’s account has been taken over and used to send spam, you should follow these steps immediately:

  • Tell your friend to check out this Page and follow the steps above.
  • Warn those who received the spam not to click on it, and to delete it from their Walls and Inboxes.

In addition, here are a few more tips to keep in mind.
  • Don't click on unusual links, even if posted by one of your friends.
  • Use the "mark as spam" button to remove a post and mark it as potential spam post. Click the "x" after a post to access the "mark as spam" option.
  • Don't download applications that you are not sure about.
  • If you think your account has been hacked, go to to alert facebook and lockdown your account.

One Cool
Daily Tips for a Cooler Life!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Don't Get LinkedJacked on Facebook

Are you on Facebook?  If you are, you're in good company.

Facebook says that over 500 million users world-wide are connected through its service and over 70% of the users are outside the United States.

With an online population like that, trouble is bound to happen.

While specific threats shift over time, the most recent security issue on Facebook is "Linkjacking" also known as "clickjacking".  That's when a user clicks a link posted to his or her wall by a friend, or adds javascript code to his or her browser window based on a friend's link that causes actions unknown to the user.  Like posting the same link to all of his or her friends' Facebook walls.  And so it continues, on and on and on.

So, what can you do?  When online, always play it safe.  If it's too good to be true, don't click on a link.  Even if its for a FREE iPad, or a spicy hidden video of Britney Spears. Yuk.

Facebook offers some specific advice on the subject as well:
Certain malicious websites contain code that can make your browser take action without your knowledge or consent. Clicking on a link on one of these websites might cause the website to be posted to your Facebook profile, for example. Don't click on strange links, even if they're from friends, and notify the person if you see something suspicious.
It's a jungle out there in the online world.  Be smart and practice Safe Computing!

For more information about Facebook Security, visit their Security page at

One Cool
Daily Tips for a Cooler Life!