Showing posts with label Chrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chrome. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

How to Quickly Access Your Browsing History in Google Chrome

Google Chrome
Do you ever find yourself struggling to find the websites that you have visited recently? 

Do you wish there was a way to quickly and easily access your browsing history? 

If so, then you're in luck! 

Google Chrome has a handy feature that allows you to do just that.

Here's a Cool Tip: Use the Google Chrome History arrow by long pressing on the mouse. 

Google Chrome has a handy feature that allows you to quickly access your browsing history by long pressing on the History arrow in the address bar. 

This is a great way to find websites that you have visited recently, or to revisit websites that you have bookmarked.

To use this feature, simply follow these steps:

  • Open Google Chrome.
  • Click on the address bar.
  • Long press on the History arrow.
  • A list of your browsing history will appear.
  • Click on the website that you want to visit.
  • You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + H to open your browsing history.

Google Chrome History Arrow
fig.1 - Google Chrome History Arrow

The Google Chrome History arrow is a great way to quickly access your browsing history. 

That's it!


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Sunday, July 9, 2023

Can Google Chrome Replace Your File Explorer?

Do you use Google Chrome as your default web browser? 

Do you ever find yourself switching between your web browser and your file explorer?

Here's a Cool Tip: use Google Chrome as a file explorer.

That's right, you can use Chrome to browse your local files, just like you would with Windows Explorer or Finder.

Using Chrome as a file explorer is a great way to quickly and easily access your local files. 

It's also a good option if you're looking for a way to open files that your default file explorer can't open.

Here's how to use Chrome as a file explorer:

  • Type "c:/" (without the quotes) into the Google Chrome address bar
  • Press Enter
  • This will open a window called "Index of C:," which is an index of all computer files found on your C drive. 
  • From there, you can browse through the folders, much like using File Explorer or Finder.
  • Double click on the "Users" folder to find your login.  Your files will be here in numerous folders, including OneDrive if you are using Office 365.
Google Chrome Used as File Explorer
fig.1 - Google Chrome Used as File Explorer

But wait, there's more!

You can also use Chrome to open files directly from the browser. 

  • For example, if you have a PDF file saved on your computer, you can type "file:///c:/path/to/pdf.pdf" into the address bar and press Enter. 
  • This will open the PDF file in Chrome.
  • Try using Chrome as a file explorer today!


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Sunday, June 25, 2023

How to Search Google with Right Click

Do you ever find yourself wanting to search Google for a word or phrase that you see on a web page, but you don't want to open a new tab or window? 

If so, here's a Cool Tip:  Right Click.

You can use the right click menu to search Google using Google Chrome for the selected text.

Here's how to do it:
  • Open the Google Chrome browser.
  • Open the web page that contains the word or phrase that you want to search for.
  • Right click using the mouse on a word or phrase.
  • Select "Search Google for 'word or phrase'" from the right click menu.
Search Google with Right Click
fig. 1 - Search Google with Right Click
  • Google will open a new tab or window with the search results for the selected text.

That's it.


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Saturday, June 3, 2023

How to Customize Google Chrome and Make It Your Own

Google Chrome
Are you tired of the default look of Google Chrome?

Do you want to make Google Chrome your own? 

Here's a Cool Tip:  Customize Chrome.

With a few simple changes, you can customize the look and feel of your browser to match your style.

Give your browser a fresh new look with themes from artists, new color combinations, helpful shortcuts and more.

Customize Chrome
fig. 1 - Customize Chrome

Here's how!

  • Make sure you are using the latest version of Chrome 
    • Go to the three dots in upper-right, Help, About Google and update Chrome if needed)
  • Click the New tab  icon in Chrome.
  • Click Customize Chrome at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Customize Chrome icon
  • Explore the options under Appearance, Shortcuts and Cards.
  • Choose an option and see your changes instantly applied.
  • Change colors, add themes and enable shortcuts to make Chrome work for you.


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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Unleash the Power of Google Chrome's Task Manager

Do you ever feel like your Google Chrome browser is running slow? 

Or maybe you're having trouble with a particular website and you're not sure why. 

If so, check out this Cool Tip:  use the Google Chrome Task Manager to troubleshoot the problem.

The Task Manager shows you a list of all the tabs, extensions, and processes that are currently running in Chrome. 

This is similar to Microsoft Edge's Task Manager.

You can use it to see which tabs are using up the most memory, CPU, or network resources. 

You can also use it to end a process that is causing problems.

Here's how to use it.

  • Open Google Chrome
  • Press Shift + Esc or 
  • Select the three-dot menu at the top-right, followed by hovering over More tools and selecting Task Manager.
  • The current tab will be highlighted. you can select another one.
  • Once you select a process, select End process.
Chrome Task Manager
fig. 1 - Google Chrome Task Manager

The Task Manager will show you a list of all the tabs, extensions, and processes that are currently running in Chrome. The columns in the list show the following information:

  • Name: The name of the tab, extension, or process.
  • CPU: The amount of CPU that the tab, extension, or process is using.
  • Memory: The amount of memory that the tab, extension, or process is using.
  • Network: The amount of network bandwidth that the tab, extension, or process is using.

You can sort the list by any of the columns by clicking on the column header. 

The Google Chrome Task Manager is a powerful tool that can help you troubleshoot problems with your browser. 

If you're having trouble with Chrome, be sure to give it a try.


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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

How to Use Google Chrome Price Tracking Feature to Get the Best Deals

Google Chrome
Have you ever found yourself constantly refreshing a webpage to see if the price of your desired product has dropped? 

Or maybe you've missed out on a massive discount because you didn't check the product in time? 

Welcome to the club. 

But what if you could have a personal assistant to track these price changes for you? 

Here's a Cool Tip, use Google Chrome's Price Tracking feature. 

Designed to revolutionize your online shopping experience, this tool is your new ally in the quest for the best deals. 

Here's how to use Google Chrome price tracking:

  • Open the Google Chrome browser
  • Go to the product page for the item you want to track.
  • In the address bar, click the Track price button.
  • A confirmation box will appear. 
  • Click Done to confirm.

Chrome Price Track
fig. 1  Google Chrome Price Tracking

Google Chrome will now track the price of the product. 

If the price drops, you'll be notified via email or a notification in the browser.

Here are some tips for using Google Chrome price tracking:

  • Only track products that you're actually interested in buying. Otherwise, you'll just end up with a bunch of notifications for products you don't care about.
  • Be patient. It may take some time for the price of the product to drop.
  • Compare prices from different retailers. Google Chrome will track the price of the product on all of the retailers it finds. This way, you can be sure you're getting the best possible price.
  • Google Chrome price tracking is a great way to save money on your online purchases. By using this feature, you can be sure you're getting the best possible price on the items you want to buy.

Google Chrome price tracking is a valuable tool that can help you save money on your online purchases. 


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Saturday, May 6, 2023

How to Set Your Startup Pages in Google Chrome

Google Chrome
When you start Chrome, do you always have to take a few minute to open all of your favorite websites?

You don't have to do that,

Here's a Cool Tip.

Change your Chrome settings to set the tabs you want to open whenever you launch Chrome.

And it can be more than one page.

Here's how to do it.

  • Open Chrome
  • Open tabs for each page you want to open on startup.
  • Arrange tabs in order by dragging them into the correct order.
  • Go to the three dot icon in the top right corner of Chrome
  • Select Settings
  • Select On Startup
  • Select Open a Specific Page or Set of Pages

On Startup Chrome

That's it!

Now when you launch Chrome, all of your desired pages will start so you don't have to do it again.

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Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Unlock the Power of Google Chrome: How to Use It as a Text Editor

Google Chrome
Are you looking for a lightweight and versatile text editor that won't take up valuable space on your computer? 

Look no further than Google Chrome! 

While it's primarily known as a web browser, Chrome can also function as a powerful text editor, complete with formatting tools. 

Whether you're a developer, writer, or just looking for a simple way to edit text files, this guide has got you covered.

Here's how to do it.
  • Open a new tab in Chrome
  • Enter data:text/html, <html contenteditable> in the addressbar.
  • Start typing!
Note:  You can bookmark the page for when you next need a text editor.

Google Chrome as Text Editor
fig.1 Google Chrome as a Text Editor

If you want to keep the text or prevent its loss if you close the tab, be sure to save it.  

Here's how:
  • Press CTRL+S.
  • Select location, 
  • Enter filename 
  • Select Save As Type - Webpage Single File or Webpage Complete.
  • Click Save
Note: The file will be saved as an html file that can be reopened by Chrome or other web brosers (and for that matter, Microsoft Word).

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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

How to Set a Timer or Stopwatch in Google Chrome

Google Chrome
Whether you're cooking a meal, need to know when to leave, or something else, a timer can be a handy tool. 

And with Google Chrome, you can set a timer or stopwatch right from your browser.

To set a timer in Google Chrome, follow these steps:
  • Open Google Chrome.
  • In the address bar, type set a timer for followed by the amount of time you want the timer to run. For example, to set a timer for 5 minutes, you type set a timer for 5 minutes.
  • Press Enter.
  • A timer will appear.
  • The timer will start automatically.
  • To stop the timer, click the "Stop" button.
Google Chrome Timer
fig. 1 Google Chrome Timer

To set a stopwatch in Google Chrome, follow these steps:
  • Open Google Chrome.
  • In the address bar, type start a stopwatch.
  • Press Enter.
  • A stopwatch will appear.
  • To start the stopwatch, click the Start button.
  • To stop the stopwatch, click the Stop button.

Here are a few tips for using timers and stopwatches in Google Chrome:
  • You can set multiple timers at the same time.
  • You can pause and resume timers.
  • You can reset timers.
  • You can adjust the volume of the timer alarm.
  • You can customize the appearance of the timer and stopwatch.

Setting a timer or stopwatch in Google Chrome is easy and convenient.


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Sunday, April 16, 2023

How to Group Tabs in Google Chrome to Boost Your Productivity

Google Chrome Logo

With so many systems and services moving to the internet, it can be easy to have too many tabs open in Google Chrome. 

This can make it difficult to stay organized and productive.

We've already shared the Cool Tip to name Chrome Windows but there's even more ways to keep Chrome Tabs organized. 

Fortunately, Chrome offers a feature called tab groups that can help you keep your tabs organized and easily accessible.

Here's how to Group, Add, Remove and Search Tabs in Google Chrome:

Group Tabs.

  • On your computer, open Chrome Chrome.
  • Click New tab New tab.
  • Right-click a tab and select Add tab to new group.
Add tab to new group
Add tab to new group

Add Tab to New Group

Add tab to new group - Choices
Add tab to new group - Choices

  • Name this Group
  • Select Color for this Group
  • New Tab in Group 
  • Ungroup
  • Close Group
  • Move Group to New Window

Add a Tab to Existing Group
  • Drag the tab into the group.

Remove a Tab from a Group
  • Right-click the tab, then select Remove from group.

Finally, don't forget that you can Search Tabs as well.

Search Tabs 
  • Type @tabs in the address bar and then type a few characters of the tab title to see matching suggestions. 

That's it!

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Saturday, April 15, 2023

One Simple Cool Tip to Boost Your Productivity with Chrome Windows

Google Chrome
Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers in the world, and for good reason. 

It's fast, secure, and packed with features. 

One of those features, a Cool Tip, is the ability to name your Chrome windows. 

Why do this?

You can organize your chrome windows and tabs logically.

And give each window its own unique name.

Each Chrome window can contain many tabs and you can move tabs from window to window to keep them organized.

This can be a great way to keep track of different windows, especially if you have a lot of them open at the same time.

To name a Chrome window, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the title bar of the window you want to name.
  • Select Name Window from the menu.
  • Enter a name for the window in the text box that appears.
  • Click OK.
Name Chrome Window
Name Chrome Windows

The name of the windows will now appear in the taskbar and in the Alt+Tab menu.

View Chrome Window Name
View Chrome Window Names

Here are a few tips for naming your Chrome windows:

  • Be descriptive. The name of the window should give you a good idea of what's inside it.
  • Use short names. Long names can be difficult to read, especially when you're switching between windows quickly.
  • Use consistent naming conventions. This will make it easier to find the windows you're looking for.
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