Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Unleash Your Creativity: How to Design a Unique Chrome Theme with AI

Unleash Your Creativity: How to Design a Unique Chrome Theme with AI

Google Chrome's new AI-powered theme generator lets you effortlessly create custom themes based on your preferences. Learn how to harness this innovative tool to personalize your browsing experience.

By Rodger Mansfield, Technology Editor
May 16, 2024

Google Chrome icon
Have you ever wished your Google Chrome browser reflected your personality or current mood? 

Maybe you're tired of the default theme or want a design that sparks creativity. 

Here's a Cool Tip.  Customize your Chrome Theme with AI.

Google's new feature allows you to generate custom themes that are uniquely yours. 

Ready to transform your browser into a visual masterpiece?

Here's how to do it.
  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the bottom right of a New Tab page, select "Customize Chrome".
  3. Select "Change theme".
  4. Select "Create with AI".
  5. Under “Create theme with AI”:
  6. Choose from a list of popular subjects.
  7. Under “Add optional details”:
  8. Select a style you prefer. The styles in the list have a thumbnail image to give you an insight on what they may look like.
  9. Choose a mood from the list.
  10. Choose a color from the options provided. 
  11. Select Create.
  12. A set of themes are generated by AI.
  13. Select a theme to apply to the New Tab page.

Create a Chrome Theme from AI
fig. 1 - Create a Chrome Theme from AI

Chrome AI Theme
fig. 2 - Chrome AI Theme

The process to create an AI theme is easy, even for non-designers.

The AI generates a wide range of visually appealing themes.

Imagine you're a nature lover. 

You could create a calming theme with watercolor landscapes. 

If you're a fan of retro aesthetics, an 80s-inspired neon theme could be your perfect match. The possibilities are virtually endless!

Google Chrome's AI theme generator is a fantastic tool for those who want to personalize their browsing experience. 

While it may not offer complete control, it opens up a world of creative possibilities. 

So why settle for the default theme when you can have a browser that truly reflects your unique style? 

Give it a try and let your creativity run wild!


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Rodger Mansfield, a seasoned tech expert, is the mastermind behind, where he serves as both writer and editor. With a keen eye for simplifying complex tech, Rodger delivers practical advice that empowers readers to navigate the digital world with confidence. Dive into for a treasure trove of savvy tips and tricks that keep you one step ahead in tech.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Unlock the Power of Conversation: A Deep Dive into ChatGPT's Temporary Chat Feature

Unlock the Power of Conversation: A Deep Dive into ChatGPT's Temporary Chat Feature

Discover the innovative world of ChatGPT's Temporary Chat feature, an exciting tool designed for fleeting but impactful AI-driven interactions. This Cool Tip explores how to effectively utilize this cutting-edge feature while addressing both its advantages and challenges.

By Rodger Mansfield, Technology Editor
May 9, 2024

Have you ever wished for a digital conversation that disappears once it’s done? 

Wondering how secure and private your interactions can be with AI? 

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the ability to engage in temporary, privacy-focused discussions is not just a luxury—it's a necessity. 

Here's a Cool Tip.  Use ChatGPT Temporary Chat.

ChatGPT Temporary Chat is a new feature that allows users to engage in conversations with the AI chatbot that are not stored or remembered beyond the session. 

Once the chat window is closed or the session ends, the conversation data is deleted. 

This feature is particularly valuable for those who need to discuss sensitive topics and want to ensure their conversations remain private and are not saved. 

It enhances user privacy by automatically erasing the chat history, offering a more secure and confidential way to interact with AI technologies.

Here's how to do it.
  1. Navigate to the ChatGPT platform. 
  2. Select the ‘Temporary Chat’ option from the menu to initiate a new session.
  3. Type your questions or prompts and receive responses in real-time. 
    • This interaction won’t be saved, ensuring a clean slate once you exit.
  4. Close the chat window or opt to end the session manually. 
  5. The chat will automatically disappear, leaving no trace behind.
ChatGPT Temporary Chat
fig. 1 - ChatGPT Temporary Chat

Temporary chats ensure that no records of the conversation are stored, providing a high level of privacy and security.

The intuitive design makes it accessible for users of all tech levels.

ChatGPT Temporary Chat gif
fig. 2 - ChatGPT Temporary Chat

ChatGPT’s Temporary Chat feature offers a revolutionary way to interact with AI while maintaining privacy. 

Whether you’re a professional handling sensitive data or a casual user seeking a clean slate after every interaction, this feature provides the flexibility and security you need. 
Embrace the future of communication by leveraging this innovative tool today.


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Rodger Mansfield, a seasoned tech expert, is the mastermind behind, where he serves as both writer and editor. With a keen eye for simplifying complex tech, Rodger delivers practical advice that empowers readers to navigate the digital world with confidence. Dive into for a treasure trove of savvy tips and tricks that keep you one step ahead in tech.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Explore the New ChatGPT Memory Feature for Plus Subscribers

Explore the New ChatGPT Memory Feature for Plus Subscribers

Discover how ChatGPT's latest feature, Memory for Plus subscribers, revolutionizes the conversational AI landscape, enabling users to retain context and personalize interactions like never before.

By Rodger Mansfield, Technology Editor

ChatGPT Icon
Are you tired of feeling like your digital assistant forgets your last conversation the moment you close the app? 

What if your AI companion could remember key details from previous interactions, making each conversation feel more personal and seamless? 

Here's a Cool Tip.  Try the groundbreaking new ChatGPT feature: "Memory" for Plus subscribers.

In an ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT continues to push boundaries with its latest innovation aimed at enhancing user experience and engagement. 

With Memory, Plus subscribers gain the ability to imbue ChatGPT with a deeper understanding of context, preferences, and personal history. 

But how does it work, and what advantages does it bring?

Here's how to do it.
  • To access the Memory feature, users must first subscribe to ChatGPT Plus, the premium version of the AI platform.
  • Navigate to .
  • Once subscribed, select your profile picture on the ChatGPT screen.
  • Select "Settings".
  • Select "Personalization"
  • Toggle the Memory feature "on".
  • Select "Manage" to clear memory when needed.  
  • Engage with ChatGPT in conversations as you normally would, and observe as it begins to remember key details and context from previous interactions.

ChatGPT Memory Settings
fig. 1 - ChatGPT Memory Settings

The introduction of Memory for Plus subscribers heralds a new era of personalized AI interactions.

Key benefits include:
  • Seamlessly pick up where you left off in conversations, making interactions feel more natural and fluid.
  • ChatGPT can remember user preferences, topics of interest, and even personal anecdotes, creating a more tailored experience.
  • With context retention, users can accomplish tasks more efficiently, eliminating the need to repeatedly provide the same information.
However, storing personal data within an AI system raises privacy concerns, necessitating robust security measures to safeguard user information.

In a digital landscape saturated with AI assistants, ChatGPT's Memory feature stands out as a game-changer, offering unparalleled personalization and context retention. 

By subscribing to ChatGPT Plus and enabling Memory, users can unlock a world of possibilities, from smoother conversations to increased productivity. 

Embrace the future of AI interaction today and experience the difference for yourself.



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Rodger Mansfield, a seasoned tech expert, is the mastermind behind, where he serves as both writer and editor. With a keen eye for simplifying complex tech, Rodger delivers practical advice that empowers readers to navigate the digital world with confidence. Dive into for a treasure trove of savvy tips and tricks that keep you one step ahead in tech.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#ChatGPT #OpenAI @OpenAI #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Chatbots #Personalization #Productivity #TechInnovation #TechTips #OneCoolTip @OneCoolTip

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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Chat with Google's Gemini AI Directly in Chrome

Chat with Google's Gemini AI Directly in Chrome

Unlock a new level of search efficiency and creativity. Learn how to use the new Chrome feature that turns your address bar into a direct line to Google's powerful AI chatbot, Gemini.

By Rodger Mansfield, Technology Editor
May 2, 2024

Ever find yourself opening multiple tabs to search for information or get creative input? 

Wish your web browser had a built-in AI assistant to streamline your workflow? 

Here's a Cool Tip.  Chat with Google Gemini directly in Chrome.

Google just added this new Chrome feature - "Chat with Gemini".

"Chat with Gemini" offers a seamless integration that lets you access Google's impressive AI chatbot, Gemini, directly from your Chrome address bar.

Here's how to do it.
  1. Open the Chrome browser.
  2. Type  "@" in the Chrome address bar.
  3. Select the "Chat with Gemini" option from the dropdown.
  4. Provide an AI prompt.
  5. Ask Gemini questions, get summaries of complex topics, or even brainstorm ideas.

Google Chrome - Chat with Gemini
fig. 1 - Google Chrome - Chat with Gemini

With "Chat with Gemini" there is no more sifting through endless search results. 

Gemini gives you concise answers right in your browser.

This new Chrome feature taps into the vast knowledge and capabilities of Google's Gemini AI. 

While it's still evolving, "Chat with Gemini" demonstrates the potential for AI to enhance how we search, learn, and create.  

Google began rolling out the feature to a wider audience in standard Chrome releases. 

Even if you have the current version of Chrome, the feature might not be immediately available to you. 

Google often rolls out changes gradually to different regions and users.

Give it a try and see how it transforms your browsing experience!


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Rodger Mansfield, a seasoned tech expert, is the mastermind behind, where he serves as both writer and editor. With a keen eye for simplifying complex tech, Rodger delivers practical advice that empowers readers to navigate the digital world with confidence. Dive into for a treasure trove of savvy tips and tricks that keep you one step ahead in tech.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Unlock the Power of AI: Explore the New Meta AI Website

Unlock the Power of AI: Explore the New Meta AI Website

Discover the cutting-edge features and capabilities of the new Meta AI website, designed to revolutionize the way we interact with artificial intelligence. Learn how to harness its potential and unlock new possibilities in AI development.

By Rodger Mansfield, Technology Editor
April 23, 2024

Meta AI
Are you ready to unlock the full potential of artificial intelligence? 

Do you want to explore the latest advancements in AI development and research? 

Here's a Cool Tip.  Check out the new Meta AI website.

Meta recently launched its brand-new website,, a cutting-edge platform, designed to revolutionize the way we interact with artificial intelligence. 

This innovative website offers a wide range of exciting features, including access to pre-trained AI models, a hub for AI research and development, and a community forum for developers, researchers, and innovators to collaborate and share ideas. 

With, Meta is opening access to AI technology, enabling users to harness its power and potential to drive innovation and growth. 

Whether you're a seasoned AI expert or just starting out, is the perfect destination to explore, learn, and shape the future of AI.

Here's how to do it.
  1. To get started, simply visit the new website.
  2. Enter an AI prompt.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Meta AI answers.

Meta AI Website
fig. 1 - Meta AI Website

The new Meta AI website at is a game-changer for AI development and research. 

By harnessing its power and capabilities, you can unlock new possibilities and drive innovation in your field. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to shape the future of AI!

Ready to explore? 

Visit the Meta AI Website now!


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Rodger Mansfield, a seasoned tech expert, is the mastermind behind, where he serves as both writer and editor. With a keen eye for simplifying complex tech, Rodger delivers practical advice that empowers readers to navigate the digital world with confidence. Dive into for a treasure trove of savvy tips and tricks that keep you one step ahead in tech.
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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Summarize Videos Quickly with Microsoft Edge’s Copilot Feature

Summarize Videos Quickly with Microsoft Edge’s Copilot Feature

Discover how Microsoft Edge’s Copilot feature revolutionizes content consumption by summarizing videos, enhancing productivity and learning.

By Rodger Mansfield, Technology Editor
April 16, 2024

Microsoft Edge
Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information available online? 

Do you wish there was a way to consume content more efficiently? 

What if you could get the gist of an hour-long video in just a few minutes?

Here's a Cool Tip.  Use Microsoft Edge and Copilot to create a video summary.

Microsoft Edge, known for its security and speed, now teams up with Copilot, an AI that simplifies your digital life

Microsoft Edge is the proprietary cross-platform web browser created by Microsoft.

Copilot, on the other hand, is an AI-powered feature within Microsoft Edge that enhances the browsing experience by performing tasks such as summarizing content, answering questions, and comparing products right in the sidebar of the browser.

Working together, they can create a summary of a video.

Here's how to do it.
  1. Open Microsoft Edge and navigate to the video you want to summarize.
  2. Click on the Copilot icon in the browser’s sidebar.
  3. Choose the ‘Chat’ option from the sidebar.
  4. Type “summarize this video” into the chat box.
  5. Copilot analyzes the video content and provides a concise summary.

As an example, here is a video by The Wine Rookie.

Copilot creates an accurate summary of the video.

Microsoft Edge Copilot - Video Summary
fig. 1 - Microsoft Edge and Copilot - Video Summary

Why do this?
  • Quickly grasp the main points without watching the entire video.
  • This technique is ideal for students and professionals who need to digest information rapidly.
  • And it makes learning more accessible for those with time constraints.

Embracing Copilot in Microsoft Edge can transform your approach to online learning and information gathering. 

By leveraging AI to summarize video content, you can save time, enhance productivity, and focus on what truly matters.

Have you tried this?

Let us know in the comments below.



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Rodger Mansfield, a seasoned tech expert, is the mastermind behind, where he serves as both writer and editor. With a keen eye for simplifying complex tech, Rodger delivers practical advice that empowers readers to navigate the digital world with confidence. Dive into for a treasure trove of savvy tips and tricks that keep you one step ahead in tech.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

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Saturday, April 6, 2024

Unlock ChatGPT's AI Magic Instantly - No Sign-In Required!

Discover the secrets of leveraging ChatGPT's capabilities without the hassle of signing in. Uncover a world of AI assistance at your fingertips.

By Rodger Mansfield, Technology Editor
April 6, 2024

Are you ready to tap into the potential of AI-powered assistance without the need for cumbersome sign-ins? 

Imagine having access to a virtual assistant ready to help you brainstorm ideas, draft emails, or even generate creative content, all without the hassle of creating an account. 

Here's a Cool Tip.  Use ChatGPT for free and without an account.

Previously, users needed to create an account to use ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is a variant of OpenAI's Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models specifically designed for conversational interactions. 

GPT models are part of a family of large-scale AI language models trained on vast amounts of text data from the internet. 

These models are capable of generating human-like text based on the input they receive

In today's fast-paced digital world, convenience is key. 

Whether you're a busy professional, a student with looming deadlines, or simply someone seeking quick answers to burning questions, leveraging AI technologies like ChatGPT can be a game-changer. 

But what if you could access its powers without the need to go through the typical sign-in process?

Here's how to do it.
  1. Navigate to the platform's website, .
  2. Begin typing your query or request directly into the chatbox.
  3. Engage with ChatGPT
  4. ChatGPT responds to your input in real-time, providing helpful suggestions, answers, or generating content based on your prompts.

OpenAI ChatGpt Without Signing In to an Account
fig. 1 - OpenAI ChatGpt Without Signing In to an Account

  • Instant access
  • Great for quick tasks or trying out ChatGPT
  • No personal data collected

  • No personalization
  • Can't save chat history
  • May have limited features

The primary advantage of using ChatGPT without signing in is the instant access to AI assistance without the need for an account. 

Harnessing the power of ChatGPT without signing in opens up a world of possibilities for seamless AI assistance. 

While it offers immediate access to its capabilities, users should weigh the advantages against the potential drawbacks to determine the best approach for their needs.

Have you tried using ChatGPT without an account?

Let us know in the comments below.



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Rodger Mansfield, a seasoned tech expert, is the mastermind behind, where he serves as both writer and editor. With a keen eye for simplifying complex tech, Rodger delivers practical advice that empowers readers to navigate the digital world with confidence. Dive into for a treasure trove of savvy tips and tricks that keep you one step ahead in tech.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#AI #ChatGPT #OpenAI #VirtualAssistant #ProductivityHacks #TechTips #ArtificialIntelligence #TechTips #OneCoolTip @OneCoolTip 

(c) 2024

Saturday, March 30, 2024

How to Edit and Regenerate Gemini AI Responses

Take control of your AI conversations with Gemini. This Cool Tip shows you how to fine-tune responses for precision and better results.

By Rodger Mansfield, Technology Editor
March 30, 2024

Google Gemini
Have you ever wished your AI assistant could give you a slightly different answer? 

Ever read an AI-generated email draft that was almost perfect, but needed a slightly more professional tone?

Maybe you wanted a longer response, a more casual tone, or something with a slightly different focus. 

Here's a Cool Tip.  Regenerate or modify Google Gemini responses.

Here's how to do it.
  • Navigate to .
  • Enter an AI prompt and submit.
  • Highlight the specific text within the Gemini response that you want to change.
  • Click the modify icon.
  • Select from the options to "Regenerate" (rewrite that section), make the text "Shorter" or "Longer," or completely "Remove" it.
  • For even more control, type your own instructions in the "Modify with a prompt" field. For example, "Rewrite this more formally."
With this new improvement, get more precise answers, tailor the tone of responses, and iterate on ideas quickly.

Some prompts might be too complex for Gemini to understand and it also won't change responses generated by extensions or ones containing code.

Real-World Example

Imagine you ask Gemini, "Write a poem about Cool Tech Tips at

If you highlight a specific line and ask, "Make this more funny," Gemini regenerates that section.

Regenerate Gemini AI Response
fig. 1 - Regenerate Gemini AI Response

Start with small edits first – it's easier to change one line at a time, then regenerate the whole response if needed.

Be specific with your regeneration prompts. 

Instead of 'make it better', try 'make this paragraph more persuasive'.

The ability to modify and regenerate Gemini responses gives you unprecedented control over your AI interactions.  

Now, you can achieve the output you want without starting from scratch each time. 

Experiment and see how this new feature sparks your creativity!



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Rodger Mansfield, a seasoned tech expert, is the mastermind behind, where he serves as both writer and editor. With a keen eye for simplifying complex tech, Rodger delivers practical advice that empowers readers to navigate the digital world with confidence. Dive into for a treasure trove of savvy tips and tricks that keep you one step ahead in tech.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Google #GoogleGemini #AI #artificialintelligence #LLM #GoogleAI #Gemini #TechTips #OneCoolTip @OneCoolTip 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Unleash Your AI's Potential With This Prompt Library

Discover how Anthropic's Prompt Library empowers you to fine-tune AI language models, enhancing their responses and unlocking new capabilities.

By Rodger Mansfield, Editor
March 17, 2024

Have you ever wished your AI language model could understand your instructions better? 

Do you dream of AI responses that are more creative, informative, and tailored to your needs? 

Here's a Cool Tip.  Use the Anthropic Prompt Library.

The Anthropic Prompt Library is a curated collection of pre-written prompts designed to help you get the most out of AI language models, particularly Anthropic's conversational AI assistant, Claude

The library covers a wide array of use cases, including:
  • Creative writing (poems, stories, scripts)
  • Data analysis and summary
  • Problem-solving
  • Role-playing scenarios
  • Humor and wordplay
  • And many more!
It provides a starting point for your own prompts, demonstrating effective ways to interact with AI models to achieve desired results.

Here's how to do it.
  • Prompts are the instructions you give your AI model. With the Anthropic Prompt Library, you can access a vast collection of well-crafted prompts designed to elicit specific responses.
  • Browse the library to find prompts that align with your desired outcomes. Categories may range from creative writing to data analysis and more.
  • Choose prompts that resonate with your goals. Adapt them to fit your specific use case by modifying language and context.
  • Input the selected prompts into your chosen AI language model.
  • Evaluate and Iterate:  Analyze the model's responses. Are they on track? Refine your prompts or try different ones to achieve the results you want.

Anthropic Prompt Library
fig. 1 - Anthropic Prompt Library

Find Specific Prompts
  1. Navigate to:
  2. Select a filter of your desired prompt category:
    1. All Prompts
    2. Play Prompts
    3. Work Prompts
    4. User-submitted Prompts
  3. Select a subcategory, such as Brand Builder.
  4. Use the prompts as inspiration for your own crafted prompt.
Finely-tuned prompts lead to more accurate and relevant AI output.


Imagine using the Anthropic Prompt Library to generate a holistic product brand identity.  You could significantly enhance your AI-driven ad campaigns or social media posts with this tool.
  1. Select Work Prompts.
  2. Select Brand Builder.
  3. Copy the example prompt and paste into your favorite AI (Claude, ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, etc.)

fig. 2 - Brand Builder Prompts

Brand Builder Example
fig. 3 - Brand Builder Example

The Anthropic Prompt Library is a powerful asset for anyone working with AI language models. 

By understanding prompt engineering and harnessing this library, you can elevate your AI interactions.  

Remember, the key is in finding the right prompts and adapting them strategically.

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Rodger Mansfield, a seasoned tech expert, is the mastermind behind, where he serves as both writer and editor. With a keen eye for simplifying complex tech, Rodger delivers practical advice that empowers readers to navigate the digital world with confidence. Dive into for a treasure trove of savvy tips and tricks that keep you one step ahead in tech.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

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