Thursday, June 4, 2015

Check Out Google's New "My Account"

Google Logo
Google, long a target for its omnipresence role in people's digital lives, has just released a new tool to allow you to better control your Google life.

Or at least the information you share with Google.

The new tool, My Account, is available at :

The new My Account tool provides access to your Google settings and other tools to safeguard your data and help protect your privacy.

For example, you can manage the settings and the information for popular Google services such as Search, Maps, and YouTube.

As with anything in life, it's a matter of making choices,  If you want Google to provide relevant information from its maps or Google Now service, Google needs to know your location history.  That's the key data behind providing the service.

Some people want the service while others may cringe at the thought of so much information in the hands of a large technology provider.

But that's the value of the new My Account tool.

You can make better decisions about how much information you want to share.


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