Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sync with Google Calendar

Google Calendar SyncYou can now sync your Microsoft Outlook calendar the Google calendar.

This new service lets you keep in sync with your desktop calendar and online calendar. You can control the flow the information and set the sync schedule as well:

To begin using Google Calendar Sync, do the following:

  1. Download the application from Google: http://dl.google.com/googlecalendarsync/GoogleCalendarSync_Installer.exe
  2. Once a dialog box appears, click "Save File." The download should open automatically. If it doesn't, manually open the download from your browser's download window.
  3. Click "OK" to confirm that you're aware this is an executable file.
  4. Read through the Google Calendar Sync Terms of Service, and click "I Agree."
  5. Continue to follow through the Installation Options and click "Install" to finish the set-up process.

Google now has more information posted online at HERE.

One Cool Tip
Daily Tips for a Cooler Life!

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