Friday, April 11, 2008

Rumor Has It

snopes urban legend runor has itForwarded emails are the bane of the internet.

Anybody who has an email account has received at least one or maybe even 100 or 1,000 of them from family and friends.

Dire emails warning of an impending disaster. Or the latest urban legend that will affect your life if you don't heed the warning in the email. Whatever the case, these emails can be a real menace.

But before you forward that email on to your contact list, spend a moment over at

Your family and friends will certainly thank you if you do.

The site is the most complete source of urban legends on the net. Check out the hottest and latest legends circulating the net and find out if they are true or now. Or use the search feature to discover an older rumor.

One Cool
Daily Tips for a Cooler Life!

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