Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Protect Your Eyesight with iPhone's Screen Distance Feature

Protect Your Eyesight with iPhone's Screen Distance Feature

Learn how to enable and use iPhone's Screen Distance feature designed to promote healthy viewing habits and potentially reduce eye strain.

By Rodger Mansfield, Technology Editor
April 9, 2024

iOS 17
Do you find yourself constantly glued to your iPhone screen, sometimes holding it too close to your face?  

If you worry about the potential impact on your eyesight, there's a handy feature built right into your iPhone in iOS17 that can help. 

Here's a Cool Tip.  Ensure Your Screen Distance is Set.

What is Screen Distance?

Screen Distance is an iOS feature  that reminds you to hold your iPhone at a healthy distance from your eyes. 

It uses your iPhone's Face ID technology to measure how close the screen is.

Holding screens too close for extended periods can contribute to eye strain and potential long-term problems. 

Screen Distance helps you build better habits.

Here's how to do it.
  1. Go to Settings on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on Screen Time.
  3. Select Screen Distance.
  4. Toggle the Screen Distance switch to turn the feature on.

iPhone Screen Distance Setting
fig. 1 - iPhone Screen Distance Setting

How Screen Distance Works
Once enabled,  Screen Distance will subtly dim your screen if it detects you're holding your iPhone too close. 

iPhone Screen Distance Warning
fig. 2 - iPhone Screen Distance Warning

Screen Distance dims your display as a gentle reminder to adjust your position.

Setting screen distance promotes healthy screen use habits, potentially reduces eye strain, easy to set up.

Prioritize your eye health! 

Turn on Screen Distance today for a small step towards healthier phone use.

It could make a positive difference in your long-term eyesight.


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Rodger Mansfield, a seasoned tech expert, is the mastermind behind OneCoolTip.com, where he serves as both writer and editor. With a keen eye for simplifying complex tech, Rodger delivers practical advice that empowers readers to navigate the digital world with confidence. Dive into OneCoolTip.com for a treasure trove of savvy tips and tricks that keep you one step ahead in tech.

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