Monday, November 9, 2015

Let Cortana Translate For You

Parlez-vous Français?

Cortana, Microsoft's personal digital assistant, has been updated in Windows 10 to offer translations in 38 languages

Users can ask Cortana to translate via verbal or written requests and Cortana will answer with audio and written replies.

To try this yourself, ensure that Cortana is active in Windows 10, then either type your request or say "Hey Cortana", then "Translate "Word, phrase or sentence you want to to translate" in 'Language you want to translate to'.

Of course, change the request to something like "Translate 'Where are the bathrooms?' in Spanish'".

Cortana Windows 10 Translate - One Cool Tip -

This new capability adds the recently introduced translation capabilities in the Microsoft Skype audio/video chat service.

As Cortana improves and expands, this service will be more useful in mobile devices.


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Windows10 #Microsoft #Cortana #Translate #Translation

Saturday, November 7, 2015

How to Plug in a USB Cable Correctly Every Time!

Does the USB plug in this way or that?

Since the plug ONLY plugs in one way correctly, you should have a 50/50 chance of plugging the USB cord in right.

But it seems to be the wrong way 100% of the time.
USB Logo
What crazy engineer designed it this way? And when will they fix it?

That problem will change as the latest USB standard USB-C, becomes the norm in new computers, mobile phones and peripheral devices such as Bluetooth speakers.  The new standard will be faster, more universal, and most importantly, allow the USB plug to be reversible.  It will plug in either way.  But the downside is that all existing USB cords will be obsolete.  That's how technology rolls.

Until then, how can you tell which way the USB cord should plug in?

There are two simple answers.

USB on top of cord - One Cool Tip - www.onecooltip.comLogo

The top side of the USB plug will <generally> display the USB logo.  

Just make sure the logo is on top when you plug the cable in.  

This is the easiest. way to ensure the USB will plug in correctly.  

But not all USB cable manufacturers bother to put the logo on the USB plug or the plug cord is so dark that the logo is hard to see.  

Oh well.

Seam on bottom of USB cord - One Cool Tip -


The other solution is to look at the metal plug itself.  

The bottom always has a seam running thru the middle.  

That means that side should always be down when you plug it in.

That's it.  Next time you need to plug in a USB cord, take a quick look for the top-side logo or the bottom-side seam.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Google's New "Smart Reply" Can Write Your Email Response For You

It's not quite SkyNet from Terminator yet, but Google's new Inbox feature can write your emails for you.

Inbox, the alternative Gmail app, rolled out the new feature this week.  We've shared a Cool Tip on how Inbox can organize your email inbox.

When you reply to an email, Inbox recommends three short replies.  Google creates the suggestions based upon its learning of your email contents and habits.

Google Inbox Smart Reply

This is a great way to quickly reply with just one tap.

In addition, it can assist you in starting your reply and allow you to add additional information to your reply.

Google Inbox Smart Reply

"Smart Reply" uses neural machine learning to recognize which emails need a response and to craft appropriate suggestions.  The more you use the service, the better it will become.

You can download the iPhone app HERE and the Android version HERE.


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#gmail #inbox #Google #AI #Smart #Reply #email

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Let Excel Recommend the Best Chart

Microsoft Excel - One Cool Tip -
Picking the right chart for your data can be tough.

Should it be a pie chart?  A column chart? Or a bar chart?

Let Excel do the hard work for you.

Excel's Recommended Chart feature will recommend the best charts for your data.

It's easy to let Excel show you the best charts for your data.

Here's how to do it in Microsoft Excel 2013 and 2016:

1.  Select a cell in the range of data you want to see as a chart.
2. On the ribbon bar, select the "Insert Tab".
3.  Click "Recommended Charts".

Microsoft Excel Recommended Charts - One Cool Tip -

That's it.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Try These Two Gmail Address Hacks - Best of One Cool Tip

We're running Best of One Cool Tip while we're away on a very cool project.  We'll be back soon with all new Cool Tips!

Try These Two Gail Address Hacks

Gmail logo
Wondering why you are getting some spam that slips through filters?  

Probably because you signed up when using an account and the email looks legit.

How can you tag emails that you use when you sign up for unimportant websites? 

One solution is a "throwaway" email.  But that can get tiring.  

Another solution is to use an email address that you can set up a filter to send to the spam folder.

Here's the first solution to hack your gmail email address to make it specific:

  • Add Additional Text - You can add a "+" (plus) sign and then add any combination of letters or numbers after your email address.   For example, works fine.  Add the extra letters when you sign up for a required account and you'll see who sold off your email in the future.  You can also  use the extra letters to filter incoming email.
The second option shows how you can add a period in your email address:
  • Add a Period - You can insert a "." (period) anywhere in your email address to the left of the @ sign.  For example, the email address and both equally work.

    Both of these hacks show  you can "mark" your email address to indicate something unique.  When you see an incoming email, you can then see where the marketer got your email.


    #gmail #Google #hack #address

    Tuesday, November 3, 2015

    Siri, What Flights are Overhead? - Best of One Cool Tip

    While we're away on a cool project, we're running a few of our best Cool Tips!  We'll be back with new tips in a few days.

    Siri, What Flights are Overhead?

    Apple SiriHave you ever seen an airplane flying overhead and wondered what it was?  Where it was going?

    Wonder no more.

    Siri results for What Flights are OverheadLet Siri give you the answer.

    Just ask Siri, "What Flights are Overhead?"

    Siri will display current information on flights above you, including airline name, flight number, altitude, airplane type and slant distance, angle from you and direction.

    Also included is a Sky Map from WolframAlpha.

    So the next time you see a plane flying in the sky, let Apple's Siri tell you about it.


    Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

    #Apple #iPhone #Siri #airplane #flight 

    Monday, November 2, 2015

    Re-Open Closed Tabs in Chrome Browser - Best of One Cool Tip

    While we're away for a few days, here is a Best of One Cool Tip post.  rest assured, w'll be back with a new Cool Tips soon!

    Re-Open Closed Tabs in Chrome Browser

    Google Chrome
    It just happens.   We've all done it.

    You're clicking too fast and then oops.

    You accidentally close a tab in the Chrome browser.

    Fear not.

    There's an easy fix.

    All you have to do is press Control + Shift + T and the just-closed tab will reopen where you left off.

    On a Mac, use Command + Shift + T to do the same thing.

    You can also right-mouse click in the gray box to the right of the tabs and select "Reopen closed window"

    Reopen closed window - Chrome


    Saturday, October 31, 2015

    Invoke God Mode in Windows 10 - Best of One Cool Tip

    We're on a special project for a few days so we're re-running a few of our best Cool Tips.  We'll be back with new Cool Tips in a few days.  Until then, enjoy these Best of One Cool Tip posts.

    Invoke God Mode in Windows 10

    By now, you should have upgraded to the FREE Windows 10 operating system for your PC that came out last week.


    It's OK if you haven't.  When you do, be sure you have good a good backup of your data to play it safe.

    Windows 10 is a great new version of Windows.  It's what Windows 8 should have been.  But with many new improvements and features. Best of all, the Start button is back.  We'll do some Cool Tips for Windows 10 in the coming weeks.

    GodMode Windows 10
    But the very best Cool Tip for Windows 10 is GodMode. This hidden system control feature is for both general users and geeky sysadmins.  It brings all of the system settings into one all-powerful settings screen.

    To invoke GodMode:
    1. Right-click on your desktop and select New Folder.
    2. Type in or "copy and paste" the following as the new folder name, exactly as shown:
    3. Hit Enter and the folder icon will change to GodMode.

    4.  Open the folder to access all Windows 10 settings.
    Windows 10 GodMode -

    That's it.  All of the system settings are in one place.

    The new GodMode settings window can be moved around your desktop and directory like any other folder so you can make it convenient to access in the future.

    As always, be careful when making system changes and only make changes when necessary.

    To learn more about Windows 10, check out Microsoft's Windows 10 page.


    Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

    #GodMode #Windows10 #Microsoft

    Friday, October 30, 2015

    How to Open a Link in a New Tab Window

    I Didn't Know That! - One Cool Tip -
    There's a quick way to force a link to open in a new tab window in most browsers.

    Actually, there are two.

    Perhaps you've found a site with a page full of links.  Rather than clicking each link and then having to go back to the main page, these tips will force any link click to open in a new tab window.  It's easy to return to the main tab window and delete the newly opened tab if needed.

    Here are two ways to force a link to open in a new tab window:

    1.  Hover over a link, and right-mouse click.  Select "Open link in new window".

    Open Link in New Window - One Cool Tip -

    2.  Hover over the link and press the Ctrl key and click the link.


    Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

    #Google #Chrome #link #click #edge #IE #firefox

    Thursday, October 29, 2015

    Use Quick Analysis to Explore Your Data in Microsoft Excel

    Microsoft Excel - One Cool Tip
    Excel is the standard for spreadsheets and data analysis.  There are thousands of ways to sort, analyze and view data.  But with so many options, it can be hard to do quick analysis, especially for novice users.

    There is a quick way to explore your data.  It's "Quick Analysis".

    It's simple to use and since it's so close to your data, you can quickly analyze your data.

    Here's how to use it.

    • Select a data set in your spreadsheet. See our cool tip HERE.
    • Look for the small box in the bottom right-hand corner of the selected data.  You can also you the keyboard shortcut of "Ctrl + Q".
    • Click the icon to display the Quick Analysis menu.

    Microsoft Excel - Quick Analysis - One Cool Tip

    Select between the various options: Formatting, Charts, Totals, Tables and Sparklines to quickly analyze your data.

    That's it.  Enjoy!