Thursday, October 8, 2015

How to Display or Hide Formulas in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel Logo
When working in Excel, you often need to review formulas.

But it can be tedious to click into each cell to check them individually.

How about seeing them all at once?

You can with this simple trick.

Press and hold the Ctrl+` keys.  The grave accent key is usually paired with the ~ key near the top left of a qwerty keyboard.

Hide or Display Excel Formulas - OneCoolTip

Press the keys again to hide the formulas.

Check out the cool Excel and Microsoft Office tips below.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Twitter Debuts Moments to Highlight the Best Tweets

Find the Best of Twitter in an Instant

Twitter debuted a new feature this week, Moments,

With millions of tweets every day, it's hard to find the most interesting, up-to-the minute tweets. Especially those with multimedia content.

Moments solves this problem by displaying dynamic curated content filled with videos and photos.

twitter momentstwitter moments fun today

Available on both mobile devices and the web, the new Moments lightning  bolt icon shows tweets in five categories starting with "Today".

Swiping the top menu shows Moments in other categories such as Entertainment, Fun, News, and Sports. 

Tapping a Moment will show the first Tweet.  Swiping to the left will show additional tweets about the Moment.  A progress bar at the bottom shows how many more are available.  A click button at the end of a Moment allows you to share the Moment to your followers.

Moments is a valuable tool to keep Twitter relevant to its users.  Discovery of new content is now easier to do.


Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Twitter #Moments #tweets

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

New Smart Lookup in Microsoft Office 2016

Quickly Find What You Need to Know Without Leaving Word, Excel, Power Point or Outlook

Microsoft Office 2016 products have a great new search option, Smart Lookup.

Smart Lookup is a new feature that brings the power of Bing to users within the four Office 2016 applications.  Highlight search keywords and right-click to select Smart Lookup to display results in an "Insight" window within the application.

Office 2016 Smart Lookup

You can also select the keywords and then select the "Smart Lookup" in the Review menu on the Office Ribbon.

Smart Lookup Insights

Smart Lookup is also a part of the new Tell Me feature that we shared earlier.  Just enter keywords into the Tell Me box and select "Smart Lookup" from the dropdown list  to display information as well.

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Microsoft #Word #SmartLookup #Smart #Lookup #Office2016

Monday, October 5, 2015

How to Use the New Low Power Mode in iOS 9 to Extend Your iPhone Battery Life

Nothing is worse than running out of power when using an iPhone.

No more calls, texts or photos.

A new feature in iOS 9 can help prevent the dreaded shutdown.

The new Low Power Mode can be enabled  to stretch your remaining battery life before your next charge.

To do so, go to "Settings", then "Battery" to enable or disable the feature.

iOS Low Power Mode

Low Power Mode works by turning off certain background functions like app refresh and push email.

You'll also be prompted to use this feature whenever you reach 20% of remaining battery life.

When your battery is next recharged and reaches 80% full, the feature will turn off automatically.

Apple claims that battery life can be extended by an hour or more by using this new feature.

We've already told you about some great battery life saving tips.

Use them all to extend your iPhone's battery the next time you are out and about without the ability to recharge.


One Cool Tip .com
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#iPhone #power #battery #LowPowerMode #recharge

Sunday, October 4, 2015

ICYMI: One Cool Tip Show, WiFi Assist in iOS9, Google Keep, Taco Bell, Facebook, Where's My Laptop?, Edge and Coolest Tips in September 2015

ICYMI: One Cool Tip
Every week brings thousands of more visitors and page views to One Cool Tip.  But it can be easy to miss one.

So let's take a quick look at this past week's Cool Tips:

The One Cool Tip Show - October 4, 2015
Check out this week's episode: One Cool Tip Show, "Be Prepared.  Don't Be Surprised" - October 4, 2015, S1E11    Under 20 minutes, this informative weekly tech news and tip show shares the coolest news and tips.  Besides being available here on One Cool Tip, it is also available on Tunein Radio, PlayerFMPodomatic, Stitcher Radio and Apple's iTunes.

Disable Wi-Fi Assist in iOS 9 To Avoid a Nasty Surprise
Avoid a nasty data overcharge on your next iPhone bill by turning off this new feature.  Wi-Fi Assist helps users by switching to cellular service when a Wi-Fi connection is slow.  But that can prove a nasty surprise if you are streaming Netflix or Hulu.  There's no warning when it happens.  Until you get your next bill.  Learn how to turn off this new feature.

Google Keep App Now Available for iPhones and iPads
Google's not service, Keep, is now available for the iPhone and iPad.  It's been available on the web and as an Android app for over 2 years.  Learn more about the cool service as it comes to Apple devices.

Taco Bell Unveils New Website and URL for Online Orders
Taco Bell has a new online ordering website and name.  It's cool.  Learn how you can order online and even customize your next Taco Bell order.  

Protect Your Privacy by Remotely Logging Out of Facebook
Protect your privacy by logging out of Facebook when on a shared or public computer.  With this cool tip, you can learn how to do this from another computer or mobile device.  Don't let someone else have access to your online Facebook life.

Where's My Laptop?  Be Prepared Before Your Laptop is Lost or Stolen
Waiting until your laptop is stolen is too late to protect it.  Learn how you can install Theft Recover software on to your laptop.  It's a "must have" tool every laptop user should know about.

How to Set Your Start Page in Microsoft Edge
Are you using the new Edge browser?  You can change the start page.  Learn how you can customize your Edge experience in the new Microsoft Windows 10.

Take a look at the coolest tips in September 2015.  Tip topics include Google Gmail, Apple iOS9, Dropbox, Google Docs and Microsoft Excel.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Wi-Fi #wifi #GoogleKeep #TacoBell #Facebook #Prey #LoJack #Microsoft #Edge

One Cool Tip Show, "Be Prepared. Don't Be Surprised" - October 4, 2015, S1E11

One Cool Tip Show -
This week's show is online.  Check out the cool show this week. 

Our show this week covers the T-Mobile data breach and Amazon's dumb decision to stop selling competing streaming devices as well as cool tips for iPhones, Google Keep, Taco Bell's new website, Facebook privacy, Where's My Laptop? and setting the start page for Microsoft Edge in Windows 10.



Or listen thru these great services:  Podomatic Tunein Stitcher iTunes

New to listening to Podcasts?  Learn more with our Cool Tip:

How to Listen to Great Podcasts on Your Computer or Phone
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Wi-Fi #wifi #GoogleKeep #TacoBell #Facebook #Prey #LoJack #Microsoft #Edge

Saturday, October 3, 2015

How to Set Your Start Page in Microsoft Edge

Have you been using the Microsoft Edge browser as part of the Windows 10 operating system?

If so, you've seen the default start page is "Powered by MSN" when you start the new Edge browser.

But you can change this start page.  Maybe you want to start at your favorite site like Google.  Or OneCoolTip.

It's easy.  Here's how.

How to Set Your Start Page in Microsoft Edge
- Click the three dot icon "..." in the top-right hand corner of Edge.
- Select "Settings"
- Within Settings, you'll find "Open With"

Set Edge Start Page - One Cool Tip

- You can choose from 4 options:

  1. Start Page - Opens with just the Start page and the "Powered by MSN" content
  2. New Tab Page:  Opens with a new tab.  Content is determined by the options in the choice box below (Top sites and suggested contents, Top Sites or A Blank page)
  3. Previous Pages: Opens with the pages open when Edge was last used.
  4. A Specific Page or Pages: A web page of your choice.  Select the Custom option and enter the web address of the page you'd like opened when you start.  For example

We've posted a number of very cool Windows 10 tips.  Check them out below.

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#Microsoft #Edge #browser #windows10 #custom #start #tab

Friday, October 2, 2015

Where's My Laptop? Be Prepared Before Your Laptop is Lost or Stolen

Stolen Laptop
Most people are familiar with how the location features of "Where's My iPhone" and "Find My Android" work.

Where's My Laptop?

The key is to ensure a tracking system is installed BEFORE the laptop is lost or stolen.  The same tip is true for smart phones.

It's too late after the device is missing.

There are a number of free and premium services available to track and lock a laptop.

Our two recommendations are Prey and LoJack.



Prey offers a low-cost solution.  It is a good basic service that will work for most people.  In addition, Prey can also be installed on other devices such as iPhones and Android.  

After the software is installed on a laptop, it will be listed as a device in the user's account.  A quick click will show where it is or where it was last seen

Prey lost laptop map

Devices can be locked to prevent access and an alarm can be sounded.   Prey offers a basic service that no laptop should go without.


Absolute LoJack

LoJack is well known for its vehicle tracking systems.  Many car thieves have learned the hard way when a car is protect with LoJack and it is disabled with police waiting to arrest them.

LoJack have licensed the name to Absolute for the laptop tracking.  While there is no free service like Prey, LoJack offers a 30 day free trial.  Premium plans begin at $39.99 a year for laptops, $29.99 a year for phones and $29.99 for tablets.

LoJack can track a device and lock it including erasing the data.   LoJack advertises that even if the device is reset to factory defaults, the LoJack software will remain to enable locking, erasing and tracking.  LoJack also advertises a guarantee (like everything, read the fine print).

Whether you use Prey or LoJack, don't wait until disaster strikes.

Like up-to-date PC anti-virus protection and regular data backups, prevention is the best medicine.

Install a theft recovery before it's too late.

Looking to find your Apple iPhone?  Check out this Cool Tip:

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#prey #lojack #theft #recover #laptop #phone #tablet

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Protect Your Privacy by Remotely Logging Out of Facebook

Don't Let Others Access Your Facebook Account Because You Forgot to Log Out.

It can happen from time to time.  You forget to log out of Facebook at a computer.  Maybe it's work.  Or home.  Or at a friend's house.

You can solve this problem by logging out of Facebook on another computer, phone or tablet.

Here's how to do it from a PC:

- On the Facebook homepage, click the top right-hand drop down arrow.
- Click Settings
- Click Security in the left-hand column.
- Click Where You're Logged In
- Review open sessions.
- Select the one you want to end and click End Activity

That's it.  problem solved.

You an also log out from mobile devices like an iPhone or Android tablet using the Facebook mobile app.

- Select the More icon, usually in the lower right-hand corner.
- Select Settings.  Scroll down if necessary.
- Select Account Settings
- Select Security
- Select Active Sessions
- Review your open sessions.
- Select the one you want to end and click the X button

And that's how you do it.

Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#facebook #security #logout #remote #privacy

Coolest Tips in September 2015

Coolest Tips This Month - One Cool Tip
We had super cool tips in September.  

It's great to see so many of them go viral.

These included tips for Gmail, iOS9, Dropbox, Google Docs and Microsoft Excel.

Check them out!

Don't forget, you can find One Cool Tip here at , on Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Flipboard, Apple News, and Pinterest.

And of course, check out the One Cool Tip Show, our weekly podcast.

September 2015 Coolest Tips

Try These Two Gmail Address Hacks
Two clever Gmail address hacks let you mark your emails.  If you give these emails out, you can see when you get unsolicited emails if they came from a particular source.  Learn how you can do it too.

Disable Wi-Fi Assist in iOS 9 To Avoid a Nasty Surprise
Avoid a nasty data overcharge on your next iPhone bill by turning off this new feature.  Wi-Fi Assist helps users by switching to cellular service when a Wi-Fi connection is slow.  But that can prove a nasty surprise if you are streaming Netflix or Hulu.  There's no warning when it happens.  Until you get your next bill.  Learn how to turn off this new feature.

Request Large Files with Dropbox
Sending large emails is a frustrating thing to do.   Usually, large files get blocked from being sent or being received.  There have been a number of subscription services that charge a hefty fee to work around this.  But now Dropbox offers a clever solution.  Learn how you can use this cool tip.

Dictate is Google Docs with Voice Typing
Let the power of Google do your typing for you.  With Google Docs' new Voice Typing tool, you can.  Simply speak and your words will be typed into your Google Docs doc.  How easy is that? 

Select an Entire Excel Spreadsheet
Don't waste your time clicking and dragging to select an Excel spreadsheet.  Learn the quick tip to select and entire spreadsheet.
Cool Tech Tips for a Cooler Life!

#gmail #Wi-Fi #iOS9 #iphone #Dropbox #Googledocs #Excel